title: 3-HOP: A High-Compression Indexing Scheme for Reachability Query venue: SIGMOD'09 author: Ruoming Jin, Yang Xiang, Ning Ruan, and David Fuhry abstract: Reachability queries on large directed graphs have attracted much attention recently. The e…
Elasticsearchis a great search engine, flexible, fast and fun. So how can I get started with it? This post will go through how to get contents from a SQL database into Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch has a set of pluggable services called rivers. A rive…
DATABASE SYSTEM CONCEPTS, SIXTH EDITION11.1 Basic ConceptsAn index for a file in a database system works in much the same way as the indexin this textbook. If we want to learn about a particular topic (specified by a wordor a phrase) in this textbook,…
Wrong practice: Putting sets into an array indexed by the type's ordinal /** * Added demo for the "Use EnumMap instead of ordinal indexing". */ package com.effectivejava.EnumAnnotations; /** * @author Kaibo * */ public class Herb { public enum T…
1.6.1 什么是 Indexing 1.6.2 Uploading Data with Index Handlers 1.6.3 Uploading Data with Solr Cell using Apache Tika 1.6.4 Uploading Structured Data Store Data with the Data Import Handler 1.6.5 Updating Parts of Documents 1.6.6 De-Duplication(重复数据删除) 1…
转载:http://quweiprotoss.wap.blog.163.com/ Solr Cell是一个针对Tika的简单适配器,它由一个SAX ContentHandler组成,ContentHandler处理SAX事件,并通过指定要抽取的域产生文档. 在索引二制进文件的时候,有些事要注意: l 你可以提供任何Tika支持的文档类型给Tika,Tika会尝试确定文档正确的MIME类型,然后再调用相应的解析器.如果你已经知道了正确的MIME,你可以在stream.type参数中指定. l …
When data is stored on disk based storage devices, it is stored as blocks of data. These blocks are accessed in their entirety, making them the atomic disk access operation. Disk blocks are structured in much the same way as linked lists; both contai…