Abstract The content of the web has increasingly become a focus for academic research. Computer programs are needed in order to conduct any large-scale processing of web pages, requiring the use of a web crawler at some stage in order to fetch the pa…
10.5 If you were designing a web crawler, how would you avoid getting into infinite loops? 这道题问如果让我们设计一个网络爬虫,怎么样才能避免进入无限循环.那么何谓无限循环呢,如果我们将网络看做一个图Graph,无限循环就是当存在环Circle时可能发生的情况.当我们用BFS来进行搜索时,每当我们访问过一个网站,我们将其标记为已访问过,下次再遇到直接跳过.那么如何定义访问过呢,是根据其内容还是根据其URL链…