ITaCS Change Password web part】的更多相关文章

Codeplex 上有一个现成的修改密码的Web part, 在SharePoint 2010和SharePoint 2013都可以用 项目地址: 具体安装过程,可参考如下: 就管理员身份运行SharePoint 2010 Management Shell 运行PowerShell 命令:Add-SPSolution 添加WSP包 导航到 Central Admin>>System Settings >>Mana… A webpart is used to change your sharepoint AD password.…
How to Change Default Web ADI Upload Parameters for FlexField Import / Validation (文档 ID 553345.1) 转到底部 In this Document Goal   Fix   References APPLIES TO: Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator - Version 11.5.1 to [Release 11.5]Inform…
1.creat managment Certification on Mangar Serverssh-keygen -t rsa2.creat client Certification on Clientssh-keygen -t rsa3.Copy certification from Server to Client and change name "authorized_keys" scp /root/.ssh/ 192.168.1.XX1:/root/.s…
Original Link: When you create a new account in Windows XP, you choose a username and a password, which must be a certain length. If you want to get rid of…
近期下载了最新的Eclipse mars.2, 这个eclipse自带了maven插件,于是就用maven尝试创建一个java web项目. 第一步,例如以下图所看到的选择 Maven Project. Next 第二步.注意Create a simple project不用打勾, Next 第三步,在Filter中输入web能够高速检索须要的archetypes,选中 然后Next 第四步. Group Id  是指项目组唯一标识符,实际相应java包的结构 Aftifact Id 指项目唯一…
eclipse如何修改dynamic web module version 由于从SVN down下来的工程java及tomcat 版本比本地高,导致工程不能编译,报以下错误. 1.Java compiler level does not match the version of the installed Java project facet. 2.Target runtime Apache Tomcat v8.0 is not defined. 本机默认jdk为1.6版本,tomcat为7.…
index.php <?php$username = $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]; //经过 AuthType Basic 认证的用户名$authed_pass = $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]; //经过 AuthType Basic 认证的密码$input_oldpass = (isset($_REQUEST["oldpass"]) ? $_REQUEST["oldpass"…
        安全测试是在IT软件产品的生命周期中,特别是产品开发基本完成到发布阶段,对产品进行检验以验证产品符合安全需求定义和产品质量标准的过程. 主要安全需求包括: (i) 认证 Authentication: Is the information sent from an authenticated user? (ii) 访问控制 Access Control: Is data protected from unauthorized users? (iii) 完整性 Integrity:…
This document is no longer actively maintained, for info on specific (new) users in recent product editions, please check the relevant product/feature documentation. Purpose ~~~~~~~ The following table lists the default usernames and passwords you ma…