Initialization and Class loading - Java】的更多相关文章

可以说,类的代码在初次使用时才加载.这通常指加载发生于创建类的第一个对象之时,但当访问 static域或static方法时,也会发生加载(通过下面的这段代码验证). class LoadTest { // The static clause is executed upon class loading: static { System.out.println("Loading LoadTest"); } static void staticMember() {} static int…
先看看错误:complie: [exec] Error loading: D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_35\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll [exec] Result: 6 因为flash builder是基于eclipse的 而eclipse是使用的java技术 java运行需要jre 而flash builder需要运行在32位的jre上 如果我们安装的java是64的 那么就会出这样的错误 解决办法1.下载安装32的jre2.编辑FLEX_H…
Reusing Classes The first is composition,You're simply reusing the functionality of the code, not its form. The second approach is inheritance,You literally take the form of the existing class and add code to it without modifying the existing class.…
The trick is to use the classes without soiling the existing code. 1. composition--simply create objects of your existing class inside the new class. simply reusing the functionality of the code, not its form 2.inheritance--creates a new class as a t…
原文来自: 本文是基于最新的SUN官方文档Java SE 6 Hotspot VM Options 编写的译文.主要介绍JVM中的非稳态选项及其使用说明. 为了让读者明白每个选项的含义,作者在原文基础上补充了大量的资料.希望这份文档,对正在研究JVM参数的朋友有帮助! 非稳态选项使用说明 -XX:+<option> 启用选项 -XX:-<option> 不…
### 1. 概述> 单例模式是确保某一个类中有且只有一个实例. ----------### 2. 饿汉式单例``` javapublic class SingletonInstance { private static SingletonInstance mInstance = new SingletonInstance(); // 默认私有构造方法 private SingletonInstance(){} // 静态工厂方法 public static SingletonInstance…
This content is part of the series: Java theory and practice A brief history of garbage collection Anatomy of a flawed microbenchmark Are all stateful Web applications broken? Be a good (event) listener Building a better HashMap Characterizing thread…
1.Unable to load bean: type: class:com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory - bean - jar:file:/D:/Program%20Files/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/webapps/StrutsPro/WEB-INF/lib/struts2-core-2.3.4.jar!/struts-default.xml:29:72 是由于tomcat本身的lib就有struts需要的包,而我们又自己添加了包而…
原文地址: 使用说明< xmlnamespace prefix ="o" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> -XX:+<option> 启用选项 -XX:-<option> 不启用选项 -XX:<option>=<…
Basic Knowlege points: 1: it's necessary that there is only one public class in per .java file 2: .java file name should better to same as class name 3: when set the environment variable CLASSPATH, you should make sure the '.' path can't be lack of.…