[Among the natural enemy of mathematics, the most important thing is that how do we konw something, rather than to know something.]---毕达哥拉斯(前572-前497) 解答:…
原文链接:http://www.atyun.com/16821.html 扩展阅读: https://machinelearningmastery.com/time-series-prediction-lstm-recurrent-neural-networks-python-keras/ is a really good tutorial of time series forecasting using LSTM. 长短期记忆网络,通常称为“LSTM”(Long Short Term Mem…
地址:http://acdream.info/onecontest/1014 都是来自Codeforce上简单题. A. Boy or Girl 简单字符串处理 B. Walking in the Rain 每次能移动1或2的距离. 答案为,ans = min{ max{e(i), e(i+1)} (其中i从0->n-1) }; C. Cutting Figure 输入为一个nxm的矩阵,#都是连通区域,考虑4连通,去掉最少的#让#区域不连通. 首先说明,在矩阵中一个#的连接最少…