实验要求: Objective: To further understand the well-known algorithm Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and verify its effectiveness to calculate the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction…
最近在做Fourier Transform的内容,记录一下今天下午的成果. 本文代码全部自行编写,需要math and music项目完整工程可以在gayhub上获取.(现在还没弄完,就先不发了.) 概要 第一部分: 图像代码部分原理很直接,即极坐标参数方程的转化. 第二部分: 关于图像质点中心的问题,数学上需要使用复数与微积分的知识求出. 3b1b的原代码也是将质点的x-coordinate of center of mass图像直接用公式绘制. 但是本文使用的是暴…
Takuya Ooura: General Purpose FFT Package, http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~ooura/fft.html. Free C & FORTRAN libraries for computing fast DCTs (types II-III) in one, two or three dimensions, power of 2 sizes. 百度云分享:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgW0bo8 密码:…
FT of function $f(t)$ is to take integration of the product of $f(t)$ and $e^{-j\Omega t}$. By separating these two term into real and imaginary forms, the FT can be written as follow: $\begin{align*}\mathcal{F}\Big( f(t) \Big) &= \int_{-\infty}^{\in…