UVa 231 - Testing the CATCHER】的更多相关文章

题目大意:一种拦截导弹能拦截多枚导弹,但是它在每次拦截后高度不会再升高,给出导弹的序列,问最多能拦截多少枚导弹? 最长递减子序列问题. #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; vector<int> m, lds; int main() { #ifdef LOCAL freopen("in", "r",…
Testing the CATCHER Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 13968   Accepted: 5146 Description A military contractor for the Department of Defense has just completed a series of preliminary tests for a new defensive missile calle…
Testing the CATCHER Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 16515 Accepted: 6082 Description A military contractor for the Department of Defense has just completed a series of preliminary tests for a new defensive missile called th…
Testing the CATCHER Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 13396   Accepted: 4905 Description A military contractor for the Department of Defense has just completed a series of preliminary tests for a new defensive missile calle…
Language: Default Testing the CATCHER Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 15207   Accepted: 5595 Description A military contractor for the Department of Defense has just completed a series of preliminary tests for a new defen…
Testing the CATCHER Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 16131   Accepted: 5924 Description A military contractor for the Department of Defense has just completed a series of preliminary tests for a new defensive missile calle…
一.Description A military contractor for the Department of Defense has just completed a series of preliminary tests for a new defensive missile called the CATCHER which is capable of intercepting multiple incoming offensive missiles. The CATCHER is su…
发信人: fennec (fennec), 信区: Algorithm 标 题: acm 总结 by fennec 发信站: 吉林大学牡丹园站 (Wed Dec 8 16:27:55 2004) ACM总结(fennec) 其实在北京比赛完的时候,我就想写了,不过还是早了点,直到上海比赛结束,大家的心中都不是太好受.郭老师有句话:你们这样做也是对的,不成功就成仁.让我的心也能安慰了不少. 我是从大一下学期开始接触ACM的,那时候我们学校才刚刚起步,siyee,wjiang师兄可以说是我的领路人了…
转:ACM大量习题题库   ACM大量习题题库 现在网上有许多题库,大多是可以在线评测,所以叫做Online Judge.除了USACO是为IOI准备外,其余几乎全部是大学的ACM竞赛题库.   USACO   http://ace.delos.com/usacogate   美国著名在线题库,专门为信息学竞赛选手准备     TJU   http://acm.tongji.edu.cn/   同济大学在线题库,唯一的中文题库,适合NOIP选手     ZJU   http://acm.zju.…
ACM大量习题题库 ACM大量习题题库 现在网上有许多题库,大多是可以在线评测,所以叫做Online Judge.除了USACO是为IOI准备外,其余几乎全部是大学的ACM竞赛题库. USACO http://ace.delos.com/usacogate 美国著名在线题库,专门为信息学竞赛选手准备 TJU http://acm.tongji.edu.cn/ 同济大学在线题库,唯一的中文题库,适合NOIP选手 ZJU http://acm.zju.edu.cn/ 浙江大学在线题库 JLU htt…