Once again, I run into trouble when upgrading my LinuxMint. In last few days, my Linux mint notifies me that lots of packages need to be upgraded. As I'm using an LTS version, I agreed to download and upgrade all packages, which includes pidgin. Pidg…
之前执行apt-get 不管是什么软件或apt-get update都会遇到fail to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com quantal-updates/main Sources 404 Not Found 找到原因了,因为我使用的ubuntu12.10已经不再被支持了,它也不是LTS(长期支持版,有5年,普通版只有1-2年),只有升级成14.04版才能用apt-get更新软件,14.04版是LTS.如果你不相信这个残酷的事实可以直接打开 http:…