1837. Isenbaev's Number Time limit: 0.5 second Memory limit: 64 MB Vladislav Isenbaev is a two-time champion of Ural, vice champion of TopCoder Open 2009, and absolute champion of ACM ICPC 2009. In the time you will spend reading this problem stateme…
Marlon's String Time Limit: 2 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536 KB Long long ago, there was a coder named Marlon. One day he picked two string on the street.A problem suddenly crash his brain... Let Si..j denote the i-th character to the j-th characte…
主题链接:http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1727 1727. Znaika's Magic Numbers Time limit: 0.5 second Memory limit: 64 MB Znaika has many interests. For example, now he is investigating the properties of number sets. Znaika writes down some set…