
CMP[.W]  Compare source and destinationCMP.B  Compare source and destination Syntax  CMP src,dst or CMP.W src,dst CMP.B  src,dst Operation dst + .NOT.src + 1 or (dst − src) Description The source operand is subtracted from the destination operand. Th…
JC Jump if carry setJHS  Jump if higher or same Syntax JC label JHS label Operation If C = 1: PC + 2 × offset −> PC If C = 0: execute following instruction Description The status register carry bit (C) is tested. If it is set, the 10-bit signed offse…
JMP  Jump unconditionally Syntax   JMP  label Operation PC + 2 × offset −> PC Description The 10-bit signed offset contained in the instruction LSBs is added to the program counter. Status Bits Status bits are not affected. Hint: This one-word instru…
Assembler Code Content of ROMMOV @R10+,0(R11)   MOV @R10+,0(R11) Length: One or two words Operation: Move the contents of the source address (contents of R10) to the destination address (contents of R11). Register R10 is incremented by 1 for a byte o…
Byte and word issues The MSP430 is byte-addressed, and little-endian. Word operands must be located at even addresses 1 Appending “.b” to an instruction makes it a byte operation. A byte instruction with a register destination clears the high 8 bits…
The status register (SR/R2), used as a source or destination register, can be used in the register mode only addressed with word instructions. The remaining combinations of addressing modes are used to support the constant generator.…
Assembler Code Content of ROM MOV R10,R11 MOV R10,R11 Length: One or two words Operation: Move the content of R10 to R11. R10 is not affected. Comment: Valid for source and destination Example: MOV  R10, R11…
MOV[.W]   Move source to destinationMOV.B Move source to destination Syntax MOV  src,dst  or       MOV.W  src,dst MOV.B src,dst Operation src −> dst Description The source operand is moved to the destination.The source operand is not affected. The pr…
Intro to the LLVM MC Project The LLVM Machine Code (aka MC) sub-project of LLVM was created to solve a number of problems in the realm of assembly, disassembly, object file format handling, and a number of other related areas that CPU instruction-set…
备份文件时看到的.我以前居然下过这东西. 2016-12-4 12:05:52更新 纯文本格式真棒.假如使用word写的我能拷过来格式还不乱?? Markdown真好. Bit Hacks By Sean Eron Anderson Converted to Markdown by Joe Gibson (@gibsjose) Edits and Table of Contents by Jeroen…