Runtime Settings Schema Describes the elements that configure assembly binding and runtime behavior. <assemblyBinding> Element for <runtime> Contains informatio…
Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message:…
Git Bash+ConEmu可以模拟Linux强大的命令行.不过在结合Scala和Play时,需要注意如下事项: 1. Scala的安装在64位操作系统下,默认会放在“C:\Program Files (x86)\”.更改此目录使其安装在没有空格和没有括号的目录下. 2. chmod a+x scala,使此脚本具有执行权限. 3. 安装完Play2后,因为路径原因会出现“Could not find configuration file ../framework/sbt/sbt.boot.p…
摘要 在部署站点的时候,遇到这样的问题Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions 解决办法 在服务器上部署站点,浏览的时候发现不管是动态页面还是静态的html都不能访问. 解决办法 1.没有注册.net framework(先安装了.net framework,后安装的iis引起的) 2.修改站点的权限.…
当执行service nagios start启动nagios时,报错:Error: Cannot open main configuration file '//start' for reading! 此问题是修改了nagios安装源文件导致的报错.如报此问题,请执行如下命令,便可解决: /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 -d -o root -g root /etc/rc.d/init.d /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 -o root -g roo…
巴拉巴拉,实际场景是这样,因为有需要,所以想用django 做个rest服务给其他平台提供服务,发现以前正常的页面都无法运行,奇怪发现有一个页面提示连接不上mysql 难道mysql挂了,打开phpmyadmin 提示如标题,进入到init.d 准备查看下状态 提示 ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111) 咦,mysql 坏…
今天终于写完的Dao层的操作,怀着无比激动的心情,进行单元测试,就在最后一个方法,对的就是最后一个方法,启动单元测试就会报以下错误: [2016-05-11 18:25:01,691] [WARN ] main BoneCPConfig - Please use setIdleConnectionTestPeriodInMinutes in place of setIdleConnectionTestPeriod. This method has been deprecated. [2016-0…
Configuration Directives The Nginx configuration file can be described as a list of directives organized in a logical structure. The entire behavior of the application is defined by the values that you give to those directives. By default, Nginx make… A customer called me today asking for help with locating the configuration file used by one of their production MySQL instances. From the description I was given it appeared th…
posts • Page of problem with startx Postby evarie » // :: Normally i can get started with the x window system. But i get in troubles. This is my screen output: Code: Select allmarkers: -- probed ** from config file == default setting ++ from command…