dic=dict() d={} s=set() s='helloworld' (1)d=dict() for x in s: if x not in d.keys(): d[x]=1 else: d[x]=d[x]+1 print(d) (2)d2=dict() for x in s: d2[x]=d2.get(x,0)+1 print(d2) (3)d3=dict() for x in s: d3[x]=s.count(x) print(d3) 上面一共给出了三种方法,均是以字典的形式输出,但…
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #取一个字符串中最多出现次数的词 import re from collections import Counter my_str = """ Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Sp…
有一个字符串 “aaddfdfdercfghfyttefsfsfewretr123trefg5624sdfcgvfdgte6435234532”,现在需要取出里面出现次数最多的字符 第一种方法-装饰器 class get_max_count_string: def __init__(self,func): self.func=func self.count={} def __call__(self, args): for s in args:…
#统计字符串中每个字符出现的次数 以The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog为例 message='The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' count={} for character in message: count.setdefault(character,0) count[character]=count[character]+1 print(count) 参考:<Python编程快速上手--…
var str = "abdcadfasfdbadfafdasdfasyweroweurowqrewqrwqrebwqrewqrejwq;;"; // console.log(numInstring(str)); function numInstring(str) { var text = ""; //循环的套出每个字符出现的次数 str会慢慢的变短直到为空 while (str != "") { //先将字符打散 var newstr = st…
面试时会经常考这样的题目,估计也不让使用正则表达式.还好这个算法还算简单,不过在草稿纸上写难免会出现运行异常,好吧,面试官赢了,乃们屌丝就实实在在的把代码码出来吧. 谢谢“心扉”对我代码bug的纠正,现已想到更简便的方法,思路就是从被匹配字符串a中一个一个往后推,截取b字符串长度的字符串: public class CountHit { public static void main(String[] args) { String a = "123456abcde6a6abc6ab";…
解决:Python如何判断字符串中是否有中文 In [240]: s Out[240]: '你好aa' In [241]: for i in s: ...: if u'\u4e00' <= i <= u'\u9fff': ...: print("yes") ...: else: ...: print("no") yes yes no no…
Python关于去除字符串中空格的方法 在编写程序时我们经常会遇到需要将字符串中的空格去掉的情况,通常我们可以使用下面几种解决方法: 1.strip()方法:该方法只能把字符串头和尾的空格去掉,但是不能将字符串中间的空格去掉. s=' This is a demo ' print(s.strip()) lstrip():该方法只能把字符串最左边的空格去掉. s=' ! This is a demo ' l='!' print(s.lstrip()+l) rstrip():该方法只能把字符串最右边…