---------------------------------------- How to build a RESTful API in Go for phonebook app Ioannis PetrousovFollow Sep 27, 2018 TL;DR In this tutorial I am…
生命不止,继续 go go go !!! 先插播一条广告,给你坚持学习golang的理由: <2017 软件开发薪酬调查:Go 和 Scala 是最赚钱的语言> 言归正传! 之前写过使用golang实现简单的restful api相关的博客: Go实战–实现简单的restful api(The way to go) 其中,使用了,今天要跟大家介绍的是gin-gonic/gin. gin-gonic/gin 介绍: Gin is a HTTP web…
RESTful 架构 && RESTful API REpresentational State Transfer (REST) 具象状态传输 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) 简单对象访问协议 XML-RPC is a Remote Procedure Cal…
文章导读: 一.what's RESTful API 二.Express RESTful API 三.KOA RESTful API 四.express还是koa? 五.参考资料 一.what's RESTful API 1.1 RESTful架构 要理解什么是RESTful API我们可以先看一下什么是RESTful架构. REST是Representational State Transfer的缩写,我们可以理解为它的含义是“表现层状态转化”,wikipedia是这样说的:“an archi…
Web APIs has become an very important topic in the last year. We at M-Way Solutions are working every day with different backend systems and therefore we know about the importance of a clean API design. Typically we use a RESTful design for our web A…