温故知新不忘延迟基础 A "defer" statement invokes a function whose execution is deferred to the moment the surrounding function returns, either because the surrounding function executed a return statement, reached the end of its function body, or because t…
当我们调用第三方的Web API服务的时候,不一定每次都是成功的.这时候,我们可能会再多尝试几次,也有可能延迟一段时间再去尝试调用服务. Task的静态方法Delay允许我们延迟执行某个Task,此方法可以让我们做到延迟一段时间再去调用服务:多尝试几次调用如何实现呢?可以用循环遍历. 在"使用HttpClient对ASP.NET Web API服务实现增删改查"中,创建了一个ASP.NET Web API项目,本篇沿用此Web API服务. 在ASP.NET Web API项目的同一个…
先看下面的FMX.Layouts.pas中一段代码 procedure TCustomScrollBox.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); begin FMouseEvents := True; inherited; if (Button = TMouseButton.mbLeft) then begin MousePosToAni(X, Y); AniMouseDown(ssTouch in S…
下面是cocos官方的方法. function performWithDelay(node, callback, delay) local delay = cc.DelayTime:create(delay) local sequence = cc.Sequence:create(delay, cc.CallFunc:create(callback)) node:runAction(sequence) return sequence end 使用示例: performWithDelay(node…
The convention of the function, indicated by the attribute. This is similar to the language-level @convention attribute, though SIL extends the set of supported conventions with additional distinctions not exposed at the language level: @convention(t…
golang语言defer特性详解 defer语句是go语言提供的一种用于注册延迟调用的机制,它可以让函数在当前函数执行完毕后执行,是go语言中一种很有用的特性.由于它使用起来简单又方便,所以深得go语言开发者的欢迎. 什么是defer 首先我们来看下defer语句的官方解释 A "defer" statement invokes a function whose execution is deferred to the moment the surrounding function…