Introduction This class is derived from the MFC CDialog. It supports the following features :- If running on Windows 2000 or Windows XP, make any one color transparent so that you can see through regions of the dialog If running on Windows 2000 or Wi…
devexpress 2013 的第二个大版本出来了,一如既往, 基本上还是一个大补丁包.各位看官,自己看. What's New in 13.2.2 (VCL Product Line) New Major Features in 13.2 What's New in VCL Products 13.2 Breaking Changes To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the followin…
在正文开始之前需要介绍一个人:Sean Sexton. 来自明尼苏达双城的软件工程师.最为出色的是他维护了两个博客:2,000ThingsYou Should Know About C# 和 2,000 Things You Should Know About WPF .他以类似微博式的150字简短语言来每天更新一条WPF和C#重要又容易被遗忘的知识.很希望能够分享给大家. 本系列我不仅会翻译他的每一个tip,也会加入自己开发之中的看法和见解.本系列我希望自己也能和他一样坚持下来,每天的进步才能…