1. 问题描述: 重启mysql服务时出现以下信息: Warning: World-writable config file '/etc/my.cnf' is ignored 出现这种情况的原因是:mysql故意不让用户重写my.cnf,权限默认是644, 即-rw-r--r--, 如果权限不是644, 则会出现这种情况. 2. 解决方法: (1) 查看my.cnf文件的权限:git@github.com:DJISZ/marketevent.git ls -l /etc/my.cnf 信息如下:…
MySQL无法重启问题解决Warning: World-writable config file ‘/etc/my.cnf’ is ignored…
今天重启一台内网服务器,发现mysql无法正常重启,执行systemctl start mysql,报错如下 Starting LSB: start and stop MySQL... Dec 11 14:24:42 localhost.localdomain mysql[32329]: my_print_defaults: [Warning] World-writable config file '/etc/my.cnf' is ignored. Dec 11 14:24:42 localho…
今天在修改mysql数据库的配置文件,由于方便操作,就将“/etc/mysql/my.cnf” 的权限设置成 “777” 了,然后进行修改,当修改完进行重启mysql的时候,却报错,提示Warning: World-writable config file '/etc/mysql/my.cnf' is ignored ,大概意思是权限全局可写,任何一个用户都可以写.mysql担心这种文件被其他用户恶意修改,所以忽略掉这个配置文件.这样mysql无法重启. 下面看下整个过程 重启MySQL [ro…
1. mysql --help 2.报错 报错Warning: World-writable config file http://www.jb51.net/article/99027.htm 最近在维护公司服务器的时候,在关闭数据库的命令发现mysql关不了了,提示错误为Warning: World-writable config file '/etc/my.cnf' is ignored,通过查找网上的资料终于解决了,现在将解决的方法分享给大家,同样遇到这个问题的朋友们可以参考借鉴. 问题分…
如果在启动warning: World-writable config file /home/mysql/my.cnf is ignored原因:my.cnf的读取权限进行了设置,不允许World-writable(字面意思是全世界都可读写)解决方法:sudo chmod 644 /home/mysql/my.cnf…
redis启动错误: Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config windows下redis启动时遇到错误: D:\redis>redis-server.exe[13732] 29 Nov 11:35:57.446 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to…
# Example config file /etc/vsftpd.conf # # The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file # loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable. # Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults. # # READ THIS: T…
If you are getting this error then you probably reset the permissions on your hidden .ssh directory in your user folder, and your keys aren’t going to work anymore. It’s very important that these files not be writable by just anybody with a login to…
root@ubuntu:/opt/php7# /opt/php7/sbin/php-fpm [22-Sep-2015 14:29:00] WARNING: Nothing matches the include pattern '/opt/php7/etc/php-fpm.d/*.conf' from /opt/php7/etc/php-fpm.conf at line 125. [22-Sep-2015 14:29:00] ERROR: No pool defined. at least on…
HAProxy is a high performance load balancer. It is very light-weight, and free, making it a great option if you are in the market for a load balancer and need to keep your costs down. Lately we've been making a lot of load balancer changes at work to…
记录一次RabbitMQ配置文件配置错误 error信息: dill@ubuntu-vm:/usr/share/doc/rabbitmq-server$ sudo /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-server {"could not start kernel pid",application_controller,"error in config file \"/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config\" (…
错误描述: The 'targetFramework' attribute in the <compilation> element of the Web.config file is used only to target version 4.0 and later of the .NET Framework (for example, '<compilation targetFramework="4.0">'). The 'targetFramework' …
Code-First时更新数据库遇到妖孽问题“No connection string named '***' could be found in the application config file” 原文链接:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12622408/no-connection-string-named-myentities-could-be-found-in-the-application-config 解决方法: Try copying t…
The normal spring bean definition configuration file, the xsi:schemaLocation only has two: beans and spring-beans.xsd. To define camelContext in spring config file, another two should be added: spring and camel-spring-correlate.xsd. And in <camelCont…
每行的值都不要有空格,否则启动时会出现错误,举个例子,假如我在listen=YES后多了个空格,那我启动时就出现.. 为 vsftpd 启动 vsftpd:500 OOPS: bad bool value in config file for: pasv_enable…
日前,笔者遇到一个奇怪且让人蛋疼的问题,借用别人的话"大家在linux上编辑文件的时候,明明是使用的root登录的,可是这种至高无上的权限在按下i的时候被那串红色错误亵渎了W10: Warning: Changing a readonly file". 笔者也是百思不得解,困扰两天后,终于灵光一闪,奇迹的解决了这个问题,那就是: 修改完成后使用:wq! 强制保存退出!!!! 还有谁?嗯?还有谁? 尼玛,被自己蠢哭了好吗?T_T 另外推荐俩相关命令: 1. lsattr [-adlRvV…
config file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="FileDepend" type="TestConsole.FileDepend,TestConsole"/> </configSections> <FileDe…
[root@hyc ~]# ftp Connected to ( Welcome to blah FTP service. Name ( user2 Please specify the password. Password: OOPS: bad bool value in config file for: anon_world_readable_only Login f…
pktgen 操作手册:http://pktgen-dpdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html 执行到这一步时: $ cd <PktgenInstallDir>/tools $ ./run.py -s default 运行 run.py 后系统提示我没有对应的 config file. root@ubuntu:/home/chang/pktgen-dpdk/tools# ./run.py >>> sdk '/home/…
朋友的FTP启动不了,叫我帮他看,启动时出现以下错误信息: 500 OOPS: bad bool value in config file for: anonymous_enable 看似配置文件错误,看了一下配置相应的行: anonymous_enable=NO 语句没什么错误,不过把这行注释后又到下一行报错,看来是整个文件都有问题,百度了一下,大部分都是说语句后面不能有多余的空格,但是用VI看来不了行末是否有多余的字符,干脆把配置文件下载下来,发现这个文件是一般PC(WINDOWS,CRLF…
from: https://www.cnblogs.com/topicjie/p/7603227.html 缘起 正在欢乐的逗着孩子玩耍,突然间来了一通电话,值班人员告诉我误重启了一台服务器,是我负责的服务,感觉都要吓飞了,赶紧打开电脑查看次服务器上跑的是什么业务, 不看不知道,一看吓一跳,尼玛,是著名的redis cluster集群中的一台服务器,此时此刻心中一万个草泥马奔腾而过.... 剖析 此集群是26台512G内存搭建的redis cluster,数据量已经达到了4T,每个服务器上篇对应…
先试试yum install gcc  , 1,下载最新的yum-3.2.28.tar.gz并解压 #wget http://yum.baseurl.org/download/3.2/yum-3.2.28.tar.gz#tar xvf yum-3.2.28.tar.gz 2,进入目录,运行安装 #cd yum-3.2.28#./yummain.py install yum如果提示错误: CRITICAL:yum.cli:Config Error: Error accessing file for…
不然启动时会涌现毛病,举个例子 guest_enable=YES  后面出现空格,就会出现 为 vsftpd 启动 vsftpd:500 OOPS: bad bool value in config file for: guest_enable 修改以后 为 vsftpd 启动 vsftpd:500 OOPS: unrecognised variable in config file: allow_writeable_chroot 问题还没解决 ,没有空格还是报500错误…
The web.config file for this project is missing the required DirectRequestModule.   将应用程序集的模式由集成改为经典即可. 或者如下操作 <system.webServer>      <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>      <modules>        <remove n…
Build:No inputs were found in config file '/tsconfig.json'. Specified 'include' paths were '["**/*"]' and 'exclude' paths were '["../wwwroot/app","node_modules/*"]' 解决方案,其实只要在 include目录中,任意新增一个ts文件即可通过编译. tsconfig.json 如下: {…
在启动配置文件的时候,系统报错:Error parsing YAML config file: yaml-cpp: error at line 3, column 9: illegal map value 首先检查一下各个参数是否配置正确 第二步查看文件路径中是否正确,路径中用双引号包围时("D:\MongoDB\data"),应该将路径中的"\"换成"/"("D:/MongoDB/data") 第三步查看配置文件中是否以Ta…
今天在mac上用php去连接mysql数据库,出现了 mac PHP Warning:  mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file... 详细例如以下所看到的: DirkMacBook:vote Dirk$ phpunit MyTest.php  Warning: mysql_connect(): No such file or directory in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/myvote/vote/conn.…
c#调用ffmpeg嵌入srt/ass字幕提示 Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file[Parsed_subtitles_0 @ 00000000064671e0] No usable fontconfig configuration file found, using fallback.Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file[Parsed_subtitles_0 @ 0000…
probe_http_status_code{instance="xxxx",job="web_status"} probe_http_status_code{job="web_status"} prometheus 检查配置文件是否正确: prometheus-2.13.0.linux-amd64//promtool   check    config     prometheus.yml prometheus  服务器启动重启脚本 prome…