Fixing ssh login long delay】的更多相关文章

原文: For a long time I had a problem with ssh login on a Redhat 6 server – it was taking too long to connect to it, around 30 seconds. Normally it hasn’t been a big issue – after all,…
SSH login without password Your aim You want to use Linux and OpenSSH to automize your tasks. Therefore you need an automatic login from host A / user a to Host B / user b. You don't want to enter any passwords, because you want to call ssh from a wi…
catalog . 引言 . 修改ssh端口 . 禁用root远程ssh登录 . 只使用SSH v2 . 限制用户的SSH访问 . 禁用.rhosts文件 . 禁用基于主机的身份验证 . 基于公私钥的证书登录 . Linux SSH配置基线检查 0. 引言 关于企业IT系统建设安全性问题在任何时候都不会成为一个过时的话题,企业在构建适合自己业务需求的IT系统之初以及整个IT系统生命周期内,系统的安全运行都是一项非常重要的工作,安全健康体检主要着眼于服务器的入口安全,SSH服务是目前类unix系统…
原文地址: Consider two machines A and B. We want to connect machine B from A over SSH. To do so we have to specify password every time we connect. Here, we can create a setup where SSHing can be…
$ sudo cat >> /usr/bin/nova-ssh  << END FIRST=$1 IDX=`expr index $1 "@"`if [[ $IDX  == "0" ]] ; then    echo "please input the user name"    exit 1fiUSER=${FIRST%@*} IP=${FIRST#*@}NINFO=`nova list | grep $IP | awk… You can login to a remote Linux server without entering password in 3 simple steps using ssky-keygen and ssh-copy-id as explained in this a…
Your aim You want to use Linux and OpenSSH to automate your tasks. Therefore you need an automatic login from host A / user a to Host B / user b. You don't want to enter any passwords, because you want to call ssh from a within a shell script. How to…
(1) in linux $ ssh-keygen -t dsa $ cd .ssh $ cat > authorized_keys $ chmod 600 authorized_keys (2) download id_dsa to the windows (3) open puttygen.exe, load privateKey file id_dsa (4) save privateKey as your-private-key.ppk (5) open putty…
CentOS 7 默认容许任何帐号透过 ssh 登入,包括 root 和一般帐号,为了不让 root 帐号被黑客暴力入侵,我们必须禁止 root 帐号的 ssh 功能,事实上 root 也没有必要 ssh 登入服务器,因为只要使用 su 或 sudo (当然需要输入 root 的密码) 普通帐号便可以拥有 root 的权限. vim  /etc/ssh/sshd_config #PermitRootLogin yes 修改为: PermitRootLogin no 重新启动 sshd: syst…
usually dns error, please check /etc/resolv.conf…