一个大概的总结,便于对接下来的学习进行理解和运行 在使用Drupal过程中.站点中的内容的不论什么一个部分都是一个节点(node),而每一个节点中又包括了一些默认的字段(fields). 值得说明的是.一个节点能够包括着非常多内容类型(content types). 所以,我们能够创建自己定义字段,还有创建自己的内容类型. 原文链接:https://drupal.org/node/717120…
Forms in HTML documents https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4 17.13.4 Form content types The enctype attribute of the FORM element specifies the content type used to encode the form data set for submission to the server. User ag…
本文原文来自:http://skywalkersoftwaredevelopment.net/blog/a-closer-look-at-content-types-drivers-shapes-and-placement 在本文中,我们将看看那些引让我夜不能寐的概念,因为我的生活不能找出与:shapes, content types, parts, fields, drivers and placement 等类型对应的东西.如果你有些使用Orchard的经验,但仍然觉得有点笨拙的控制shap…
转载原地址:  http://www.cnblogs.com/wsdj-ITtech/archive/2012/09/01/2470274.html Sharepoint本身就是一个丰富的大容器,里面存储的所有信息我们可以称其为“内容(Content)”,为了便于管理这些Conent,按照人类的正常逻辑就必然想到的是对此进行“分类”.分类所涉及到的层面又必然包括: 1.分类的标准或特征描述{即:类型属性(或:与该类型项目相关联的属性)}. 2.对应类的关联动作(即:工作流,行为以及其他设置)  …
  When creating a field, whether you are using CAML, server-side object mode, or one of the client-side object models, you typically specify the following attributes: The ID of the fied, which is a GUID The Name, which is the internal name of the fie…
https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21actions.inc/function/actions_do/7.x addFileds : 这个更全点: https://www.drupal.org/docs/7/api/database-api/database-api-overview 这个distinct: https://www.drupal.org/node/706264 // SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DI…
The preload value of the <link> element's rel attribute allows you to write declarative fetch requests in your HTML <head>, specifying resources that your pages will need very soon after loading, which you therefore want to start preloading ea…
1. Create 1 Project Team sites (Site1) on SharePoint(可以用普通site)2. Go to http://<PCName>:8080/_admin/ServiceApplications.aspx3. Select Managed Metadata Service Application item, then click redmond\pkmacct from Ribbon4. Input Administrator -> click…
分给线一下内容为理解错误内容,实际允许建立父子分档,只是类型改成来 join 官方demo: join datatypeedit The join datatype is a special field that creates parent/child relation within documents of the same index. The relations section defines a set of possible relations within the document…
from:http://blog.tallan.com/2012/07/18/creating-a-sharepoint-bcs-net-assembly-connector-to-crawl-rss-data-in-visual-studio-2010/ Overview In this post, I'll walk you though how to create a SharePoint 2010  BCS .NET Connectivity Assembly in Visual Stu…