HDU 2140 Michael Scofield's letter】的更多相关文章

http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2140 Problem Description I believe many people are the fans of prison break. How clever Michael is!! In order that the message won't be found by FBI easily, he usually send code letters to Sara by a paper cra…
Problem Description I believe many people are the fans of prison break. How clever Michael is!! In order that the message won't be found by FBI easily, he usually send code letters to Sara by a paper crane. Hence, the paper crane is Michael in the he…
the pilot: 美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集,试播 -Tattoo Artist: That's it. tatoo: 纹身  artist: 艺术家 完成了. Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute? minute: 分钟 能让我欣赏下吗? You're an artist, Sid. artist: 艺术家 你真是个艺术家,Sid. You're t…
地址:http://acm.split.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3511 题目: Prison Break Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2149    Accepted Submission(s): 681 Problem Description To save Sara, Mi…
基于Java的全文索引/检索引擎——Lucene Lucene不是一个完整的全文索引应用,而是是一个用Java写的全文索引引擎工具包,它可以方便的嵌入到各种应用中实现针对应用的全文索引/检索功能. Lucene的作者:Lucene的贡献者Doug Cutting是一位资深全文索引/检索专家,曾经是V-Twin搜索引擎(Apple的Copland操作系统的成就之一)的主要开发者,后在Excite担任高级系统架构设计师,目前从事于一些INTERNET底层架构的研究.他贡献出的Lucene的目标是为各…
Season 1, Episode 19: The Key -Kellerman: WeusedtohaveaGreatDane, Dane: 丹麦大狗 我们以前有一只大丹犬 bigandwild. wild: 野蛮的 又大又凶 Whenshewas12,shegotcancer,sowe cancer: 癌症 她12岁时得了癌症 hadtoputherdown. 我们不得不了结了她 Andyoucouldthinkitwouldbe 你以为那场面 hisbig,dramaticevent,bu…
Season 1, Episode 18: Bluff -Michael: Scofield Scofield Michael Scofield Michael Scofield -Patoshik: Doesn't ring a bell 记不起来 -Michael: wind back a while in Gen Pop Cell 40 cell: 囚室 回忆一下大牢房40号囚室? -Patoshik: Gen Pop 大牢房 -Michael: General Population. O…
Season 1, Episode 15: By the Skin and the Teeth -Pope: doctor...you can leave. 医生你得离开 -Burrows: It's him. 他? Mi... Michael... 哦 Michael -Veronica: What's he saying? 是他 -Burrows: Michael... turn around... Michael 转过身去 it's him. Michael... -Veronica: W…
Season 1-Episode 12:Odd Man Out -Sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉让你等了半天 -Oh, it's, uh, not a problem. 嗯没关系 -Hmm. Impressive resume. impressive: 令人印象深刻的  resume: 简历 嗯简历令人印象深刻 -Thank you. 谢谢 -Tell me why you chose to pursue a career in engineering. choose…
Season 1, Episode 11: And Then There Were 7-M -Michael: That one 那个 -businessman: Nice choice choice: 选择 眼光不错 -Michael: Thanks. 谢谢 -businessman: Platinum platinum: 白金 白金 Brushed. brushed: 拉过绒的 拉丝的 -Michael: Six point two five point: 点 6.25克? -busines…