Atcoder dp I Coins 题解】的更多相关文章

AtCoder Beginner Contest 184 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 184 题解 A - Determinant B - Quizzes C - Super Ryuma D - increment of coins E - Third Avenue F - Programming Contest 这把怎么感觉题目都比以往的ABC水啊,拜此所赐我只是程序写得慢就排名狂掉( A - Determinant 求二阶矩阵的行列式,是小学常见自定义题目(…
人生第一场 AtCoder,纪念一下 话说年后的 AtCoder 比赛怎么这么少啊(大雾 AtCoder Beginner Contest 154 题解 A - Remaining Balls We have A balls with the string S written on each of them and B balls with the string T written on each of them. From these balls, Takahashi chooses one…
目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 153 题解 A - Serval vs Monster 题意 做法 程序 B - Common Raccoon vs Monster 题意 做法 程序 C - Fennec vs Monster 做法 程序 D - Caracal vs Monster 做法 程序 E - Crested Ibis vs Monster 做法 程序 F - Silver Fox vs Monster 做法 程序 感谢 AtCoder Beginner Co…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 173 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 173 题解 A - Payment B - Judge Status Summary C - H and V D - Chat in a Circle E - Multiplication 4 F - Intervals on Tree A - Payment 首先我们可以把所有不用找零的部分都付掉,这样就只剩下了\(A \mod 1000\)这样一个"\(A\)除以\(10…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 169 题解 这场比赛比较简单,证明我没有咕咕咕的时候到了! A - Multiplication 1 没什么好说的,直接读入两个数输出乘积就好了. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int a,b; cin>>a>>b; cout<<a*b; return 0; } B - Multiplication 2 让你连乘,同时在答案…
AtCoder ExaWizards 2019 简要题解 Tags:题解 link: 很水的一场ARC啊,随随便便就ABCDE了,F最后想到了还没有写出来. D题花了太久时间所以只有Rank31,我是真的菜. 嘿嘿嘿,上述装逼方式是我最为反感的机房里的言语,既然快退役了,也就学一学,感受一下机房里dalao们怎么样装逼一时爽.一直装逼一直爽,听者一时丧,一直听一直丧的快感咯 有意思的题应该是DE了. A Regu…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 177 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 177 题解 A - Don't be late B - Substring C - Sum of product of pairs D - Friends E - Coprime F - I hate Shortest Path Problem A - Don't be late 问你能不能在时间\(T\)内用不高于\(S\)的速度走过\(D\)的路程,转化为判断\(ST\)…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 172 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 172 题解 A - Calc B - Minor Change C - Tsundoku D - Sum of Divisors E - NEQ F - Unfair Nim A - Calc 程序如下(真的有人需要嘛): #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdi…
目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 148 题解 前言 A - Round One 题意 做法 程序 B - Strings with the Same Length 题意 做法 程序 C - Snack 题意 做法 程序 D - Brick Break 题意 做法 程序 E - Double Factorial 题意 做法 程序 F - Playing Tag on Tree 题意 做法 程序 结束语 AtCoder Beginner Contest 148 题解 前言 包…
CodeChef-LECOINS Little Elephant and Colored Coins Little Elephant and Colored Coins The Little Elephant from the Zoo of Lviv very likes coins. But most of all he likes colored coins. He has N types of coins, numbered from 1 to N, inclusive. The coin…