var flag = true; $("#more_info").click(function() { if( flag ){ $("#more_xl_more").show(); $("#more_xl_more").text(teamName); flag = false; } else { $("#more_xl_more").hide(); flag = true; } });…
boolean attribute(布尔值属性) boolean attribute HTML - Why boolean attributes do not have boolean value? Boolean HTML Attributes HTML Boolean Attributes A number of attributes are boolean attributes. The presence of a boolean attribute on an ele…
SpringMVC框架下,如果用ajax向后台请求得方法如果使用@Responsebody返回布尔值的话,ajax得不到任何的回传数据. 但是如果返回String类型,就是正常的. 测试了下代码写得没有任何问题,也不报错.只是在地址栏直接输入ajax请求的url会报404. The resource identified by this request is only capable of generating responses with characteristics not accepta…