[抄题]: Given an undirected graph, return true if and only if it is bipartite. Recall that a graph is bipartite if we can split it's set of nodes into two independent subsets A and B such that every edge in the graph has one node in A and another node…
[LeetCode]785. Is Graph Bipartite? 解题报告(Python) 作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/is-graph-bipartite/description/ 题目描述: Given an undirected graph, return true if and only if it is bipartite. Re…
Given an undirected graph, return true if and only if it is bipartite. Example 1: Input: [[1,3], [0,2], [1,3], [0,2]] Output: true Explanation: The graph looks like this: 0----1 | | | | 3----2 We can divide the vertices into two groups: {0, 2} and {1…
Given an undirected graph, return true if and only if it is bipartite. Recall that a graph is bipartite if we can split it's set of nodes into two independent subsets A and B such that every edge in the graph has one node in A and another node in B.…
这两天在搞一个修复的小功能 需求: A表,B表,C表,日志文件 先筛选出A表和B表中都符合条件的数据,然后检查这些数据在C表中是否存在.如果不存在,就从日志中读取数据,存入C表中,如果存在,则不做操作. 逻辑理清之后,自己尝试了很多方式,一直都不能让自己满意,都感觉性能太低,还可以在优化,因为时间关系,不能再拖了,就先记录一下 目前还凑合的实现方式,后续有时间的话,会再次优化一下.以下共勉 DataTable dt= then end ' and (B.fhsj between '2019-06…
Given an undirected graph, return true if and only if it is bipartite. Recall that a graph is bipartite if we can split it's set of nodes into two independent subsets A and B such that every edge in the graph has one node in A and another node in B.…
Given an undirected graph, return true if and only if it is bipartite. Recall that a graph is bipartite if we can split it's set of nodes into two independent subsets A and B such that every edge in the graph has one node in A and another node in B.…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/is-graph-bipartite/ 题目: Given an undirected graph, return true if and only if it is bipartite. Recall that a graph is bipartite if we can split it's set of nodes into two independent subsets A and B such that eve…
在做项目的时候遇到一个种情况,就是要比较两个集合中是否有相同的元素,经过查找资料,找到了Collections类下的disjoint方法下面做的一个小例子: import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<String> set1 = new HashSet&…
好几个月没弄代码了,今天弄个求组合的DEMO 思路是将集合的每个值对照一个索引,索引大小是集合的大小+2.索引默认为[000...000],当组合后选取的组合值demo为[0100..00].然后根据遍历索引来到集合中取值. 上代码: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class ComBit { public static void main(String[]…