Codeforces Round #571 (Div. 2) 日常被tanao_大佬带飞,我AC了A和C(B题没了...否则tanao_大佬肯定把我吊打) A. Vus the Cossack and a Contest Vus the Cossack holds a programming competition, in which \(n\) people participate. He decided to award them all with pens and notebooks. I…
7月8号晚上8点和两位巨佬开了一场虚拟cf: [Helvetic Coding Contest 2018 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated)] 我这么蔡,只AC了A2.C1.C2.E1(被巨佬吊打) 我就说一下我写的几道题吧: A2. Death Stars (medium) The stardate is 1983, and Princess Heidi is getting better at detecting the Death Stars. T…
三人组队开黑ACM膜你赛 果然我最蔡 我就写了ACF所以就写这些吧awa Problem A 人话:给你一个w×h的矩形蛋糕,然后告诉你两个蜡烛的坐标,两个蜡烛都在网格点上且不在蛋糕边缘,问如何切一刀能把蛋糕分成两块且两块分别有一个蜡烛 分类讨论: 第一种情况(p1),蜡烛的y相等:这时候,我们可以从x较小的蜡烛的"底部"切到x较大的蜡烛的顶部 第二种情况(p2),蜡烛的x相等:这时候,可以从y较小的蜡烛的有"右端"切到y较大的蜡烛的左端 剩下的情况都是x和y都不相…