如果php.ini配置没错,且端口无误,那么就可能是配置文件选错了. vscode里面有两个配置文件,一个是 Listen for xdebug ,一个是 Lanuch currently open script.如果总是出现 断点不起作用,LOG提示 Time-out connecting to client ,那么就是配置文件选错了. 你应该选择 Lanuch currently open script,这个就是对的. x1 > < >> << O x1…
not stopping on breakpoints breakpoint not working 原因: 1) php.ini xdebug 端口不配置的情况下,默认是 9000,如果vscode里面改为了其他端口,php.ini里面也要改为同样的端口. 如: a) vscode launch.json "configurations": [ { "name": "Listen for XDebug", "type": &…
question: Xdebug unable to connect to client, where do I start debugging the debugger? I'm setting up xdebug for php within sublime text, and xdebug keeps on logging errors related to being unable to connect: Log opened at 2016-08-18 21:06:01 I: Conn…