String s = new String("stringette"); // Don't do this. This will create an object each time Vs String s = "stringette"; class Person { private final Date birthDate; // Other fields, methods, and constructor omitted /** * The starting a…
Hi guys, I am happy to tell you that I am moving to the open source world. And Java is the 1st language I have chosen for this migration. It's a nice chance to read some great books like "Effective Java 2nd Edition" and share the note for what I… more effective c++…
Effective C++算是看完了,但是并没有完全理解,也做不到记住所有,在此记录下55个条款及条款末的"请记住". 让自己习惯C++ 条款01:视C++为一个语言联邦 ① C ② Object-Oriented C++ ③ Template C++ ④ STL 条款02:尽量以const,enum,inline替换#define ① 对于单纯常量,最好以const对象或enums替换#define ② 对于形似函数的宏,最好改用inline函数替换#define 条款03:尽可能使…