FT of function $f(t)$ is to take integration of the product of $f(t)$ and $e^{-j\Omega t}$. By separating these two term into real and imaginary forms, the FT can be written as follow: $\begin{align*}\mathcal{F}\Big( f(t) \Big) &= \int_{-\infty}^{\in…
学习总结于国立台湾大学 :李宏毅老师 f-GAN: Training Generative Neural Samplers using Variational Divergence Minimization 本文Outline 一句话介绍f-GAN: you can use any f-divergence 一. 回顾GAN的basic idea: 我们想要machine生成的target distribution: Pdata(x) ,如下图蓝色区域的分布.图中的蓝色区域里面为Pdata(…
http://www.ics.uci.edu/~dramanan/teaching/ics273a_winter08/lectures/lecture14.pdf Loss Function 损失函数可以看做 误差部分(loss term) + 正则化部分(regularization term) 1.1 Loss Term Gold Standard (ideal case) Hinge (SVM, soft margin) Log (logistic regression, cross en…
The Joys of Conjugate Priors (Warning: this post is a bit technical.) Suppose you are a Bayesian reasoning agent. While going about your daily activities, you observe an event of type . Because you're a good Bayesian, you have some internal paramet…
其它的比gradient descent快, 在某些场合得到广泛应用的求cost function的最小值的方法 when have a large machine learning problem,一般会使用这些advanced optimization algorithm而不是gradient descent Conjugate gradient, BFGS,L-BFGS很复杂,可以在不明白详细原理的情况下进行应用(使用software libary). 可以使用Octave和matlab的…
在使用Myeclipse10部署完项目后,原先不出错的项目,会有红色的叉叉,JSP页面会提示onclick函数错误 Cannot return from outside a function or method. 释义:无法从外部返回函数或方法. 如下图所示: 为此我在百度上了解后找到了下面的解决方案: 方法:window -->preferences -->myeclipse -->validation -->javascript validator for Js files 然…