Initialization happens when a variable is given a value at the moment it is created. Assignment obliterates the variable's current value and replace the value with a new one.…
Question: What does copying an object mean? What are the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator? When do I need to declare them myself? How can I prevent my objects from being copied? Answer: Introduction C++ treats variables of user-defin…
Background C++ is one of the main development languages used by many of Google's open-source projects. As every C++ programmer knows, the language has many powerful features, but this power brings with it complexity, which in turn can make code more…
1.   compared to prefix  ++, postfix increment needs one more step to create a temporary variable? what's more , the return type is not reference, there will be another temp var being created to store the return value. int & operator++(int &a) { +…
Google C++ Style Guide   Table of Contents Header Files Self-contained Headers The #define Guard Forward Declarations Inline Functions Names and Order of Includes Scoping Namespaces Unnamed Namespaces and Static Variables Nonmember, Static Member, an…
<Item 1>View C++ as a federation of languages. 1.把C++看成4种子语言组成,即C.Object-Oriented C++.Template C++.The STL. 2.Things to Remember:Rules for effective C++ programming vary, depending on the part of C++ you are using. 因为C++有很多的编程范式,在项目开发过程中,明确规范怎么使用C++…
<-创建的变量的作用范围可以在整个顶层环境,而=仅仅在一个局部环境. 但要<-创建的变量如果是在函数实参传递的时候创建的,其的作用范围可以在整个顶层环境,有一个前提条件:对应的形参在函数内部被用到了.   (一) 一般情况下我觉得使用<-合适,但当给函数参数传值,以及创建对象,对行/列/组件命名的时候用等号 如: person <-list(name="payal", x=2,                 y=9, year=1990) person $na…
1. Type conversion: If we assign an out-of-range value to an object of unsigned type, the result is the remainder of the value modulo the number of values the target type can hold. If we assign an out-of-range value to an object of signed type, the r…
Intent To increase the flexibility of a class template's interface by allowing the class template to participate in the same implicit type conversions (coercion) as its parameterizing types enjoy. Also Known As[edit] Motivation[edit] It is often usef…
最近在看这个:LearnCpp 主要是一些我自己容易忽视的地方 记一些笔记在下面,还有错漏地方请不吝赐教 CH1.10 Preprocessing The preprocessor copies the contents of the included file into the including file at the point of the #include directive Conditional Compilation: #ifndef SOME_UNIQUE_NAME_HERE…