The football foundation (FOFO) has been researching on soccer; they created a set of sensors to describe the ball behavior based on a grid uniformly distributed on the field. They found that they could predict the ball movements based on historical a…
Introduction of OpenCascade Foundation Classes Open CASCADE基础类简介 一.简介 1. 基础类概述 Foundation Classes Overview 本文将对Open CASCADE中的基础类进行介绍及如何使用基础类.更多信息可访问其官网 基础类库提供了一些通用功能,如自动动态内存管理.集合.异常处理.泛型编程和plug-in的…
One of the extensibility points we have in Team Foundation V1 is that you can configure any other diff and merge tools you want. The purpose of this article is to start collecting the most common ones we know or heard about in a central place so peo…