for memory long term update】的更多相关文章

xargs是一条Unix和类Unix操作系统的常用命令.它的作用是将参数列表转换成小块分段传递给其他命令,以避免参数列表过长的问题. #例如,下面的命令: rm `find /path -type f` #如果path目录下文件过多就会因为“参数列表过长”而报错无法执行.但改用xargs以后,问题即获解决. rm #本例中xargs将find产生的长串文件列表拆散成多个子串,然后对每个子串调用rm.这样要比如下使用find命令效率高的多. find /path -type f -exec rm…
PIC32MZ 的 flash memory 支持live update, 这是个全新的特性,在之前的所有PIC不管是8位还是16位的单片机上面都没有这个特性.我写过很多PIC 8位和16位单片机的bootloader,但这些bootloader都是传统的bootloader.传统的bootloader在更新程序时,需要先进入BOOTLOADER模式,BOOTLOADER模式完全独立于用户程序,只做更新应用程序的活. 今天要介绍的我最新完成的live update bootloader, 它是用…
In this article, I will show you how to use the new version of MySQL (5.7+) and how to troubleshoot MySQL memory allocation more easily. by Alexander Rubin   Troubleshooting crashes is never a fun task, especially if MySQL does not report the cause o…
A technique for implementing read-copy update in a shared-memory computing system having two or more processors operatively coupled to a shared memory and to associated incoherent caches that cache copies of data stored in the memory. According to ex…
转载 - Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial, Part 4 – Implementing a GRU/LSTM RNN with Python and Theano The code for this post is on Github. This is part 4, the last part of the Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial. The previous parts are: Recurrent Neural…
catalogue . 引言 . LSTM NETWORKS . LSTM 的变体 . GRUs (Gated Recurrent Units) . IMPLEMENTATION GRUs 0. 引言 In this post we’ll learn about LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) networks and GRUs (Gated Recurrent Units).  LSTMs were first proposed in 1997 by Sepp Ho…
A speculative store buffer is speculatively updated in response to speculative store memory operations buffered by a load/store unit in a microprocessor. Instead of performing dependency checking for load memory operations among the store memory oper…
1.Spark MLlib LDA源代码解析 Spark MLlib LDA 应该算是比較难理解的,当中涉及到大量的概率与统计的相关知识,并且还涉及到了Spark GraphX图计算方面的知识.要想明确当中的原理得要下一番功夫. LDA源代码解析前的基础知识: 1)LDA主题模型的理论知识 參照:LDA数学八卦 2)SparkGraphX 基础知识…
BACKGROUND The technology described herein relates to methods of and apparatus for using and handling textures, and in particular for carrying out so-called "virtual texturing", in computer graphics systems. It is common in computer graphics sys…
下文为转载,文章转自:,仅供本次学习实践参考. 最近又开始折腾起Raspberry Pi来了,因为某处上网需要锐捷拨号,于是我就想能不能让我的树莓派代劳,当然首先要将其改造为路由器,默认自带的网口作为WAN口,我们还缺一个网口,木有办法,只好占用一个USB口,接上一个USB网卡,网上的USB转RJ45网线口的适配器比较少,价格也不便宜,于是就考虑干脆将其改造成无线路由,也符合时下高端大气上档次的标准. 准备工作,当然要先去购…
ACCOUNTS NOT PROPERLY CLOSING CONNECTIONS [ 1 ] Works since 5.6 SELECT ess.user, , (a.total_connections - a.current_connections) - ess.count_star as not_closed , ((a.total_connections - a.current_connections) - ess.count_star) * 100 / (a.tot…
转载请注明来源:cuixiaolei的技术博客 这篇文章主要通过分析高通recovery目录下的recovery.cpp源码,对recovery启动流程有一个宏观的了解.MTK和高通的recovery几乎一样,只是使用自己家的mt_xxx文件. 为什么要分析recovery.cpp这个文件? 我们知道,当我们通过按键或者应用进入recovery模式,实质是kernel后加载recovery.img,kernel起来后执行的第一个进程就 是init,此进程会读入init.rc启动相应的服务.在re… 最近又开始折腾起Raspberry Pi来了,因为某处上网需要锐捷拨号,于是我就想能不能让我的树莓派代劳,当然首先要将其改造为路由器,默认自带的网口作为WAN口,我们还缺一个网口, 木有办法,只好占用一个USB口,接上一个USB网卡,网上的USB转RJ45网线口的适配器比较少,价格也不便宜,于是就考虑干脆将其改造成无线路由, 也符合时下高端大气上档次的标准. 准备工作,当然要先去购买一个USB无线网卡,可以购买的型号比较多…
Instruction set Y86 指令集 运算符:addl, subl, andl, and xorl 跳转符:jmp,jle,jl,je,jne,jge, andjg 条件符:cmovle, cmovl, cmove, cmovne, cmovge,cmovg 其它:call , pushl,popl, halt Registers %eax, %ecx, %edx, %ebx, %esi, %edi, %esp, %ebp 当中栈指针存在%esp PC存放当前指令的地址 Conditi…
Memory that can be shared betweenthreads is called shared memory or heap memory. The term variable as used inthis technical report refers to both fields and array elements. Variables thatare shared between threads are referred to as shared variables.…
排除故障指南:MySQL运行内存不足时应采取的措施? 天一阁@ 老叶茶馆 1周前 导读 排除故障指南:MySQL运行内存不足时应采取的措施? 翻译团队:知数堂藏经阁项目 - 天一阁 团队成员:天一阁-冷锋. 天一阁-Judy .天一阁-神谕 译文校稿:叶师傅 原文出处:<What To Do When MySQL Runs Out of Memory: Troubleshooting Guide>…
========================================================================================================================= #启用收集内存指标UPDATE setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES' WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%'; #查看运行sys schema里面内存分配的报告select event_name,curr…
导读 排除故障指南:MySQL运行内存不足时应采取的措施? 原文出处:<What To Do When MySQL Runs Out of Memory: Troubleshooting Guide> 原文作者:Alexander Rubin 关键词:memory.memory leaks…
对于Command,Configuration都要通过appendEntries的方式,把Entries同步给follower LeaderState.configure /** * Commits the given configuration. */ protected CompletableFuture<Long> configure(Collection<Member> members) { final long index; try (ConfigurationEntry…
Member.Status status的变迁是源于heartbeat heartbeat,append空的entries /** * Triggers a heartbeat to a majority of the cluster. * <p> * For followers to which no AppendRequest is currently being sent, a new empty AppendRequest will be * created and sent. For…   为了便于实现,Copycat把member分成3种, active, passive, and reserve members - each of which play some role in supporting rapid replacement of failed servers.   Active members are ful…
A technique is provided for generating stubs. A processing circuit receives a call to a called function. The processing circuit retrieves a called function property of the called function. The processing circuit generates a stub for the called functi…
A pending tag system and method to maintain data coherence in a processing node during pending transactions in a transaction pipeline. A pending tag storage unit may be coupled to a cache controller and configured to store pending tags each indicativ…
本文转载自: 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,如有需要,请注明转载地址:若是侵权用于商业用途,请联系博主,否则将追究责任 在Tiny4412的Android5.0源代码中: bootable/recovery/recovery.cpp是recovery程序的主文件. 仔细一看,对比了其它平台的recovery源代码,除了…
这篇文章主要通过分析高通recovery目录下的recovery.cpp源码,对recovery启动流程有一个宏观的了解. 当开机以后,在lk阶段,如果是recovery,会设置boot_into_recovery=1,然后读取recovery.img镜像,把recovery.img的地址和ramdisk等信息作为参数启动kernel,从而进入recovery模式,下面进行简单的分析. 为什么要分析recovery.cpp这个文件? 下面的代码位于bootable/recovery/etc/in…
君子知夫不全不粹之不足以为美也, 故诵数以贯之, 思索以通之, 为其人以处之, 除其害者以持养之: 出自荀子<劝学篇> 终于OTA的升级过程的详解来了,之前的两篇文章OTA升级详解(一)与OTA升级详解(二)主要是铺垫, OTA升级的一些基础知识,那这边文章就开始揭开OTA-recovery模式升级过程的神秘面纱,需要说明的是 以下重点梳理了本人认为的关键.核心的流程,其他如ui部分.签名校验部分我并未花笔墨去描述,主要 还是讲升级的核心,其他都是枝枝叶叶.Android 10 recover…
Python 监控脚本 整体通过psutil模块动态获取资源信息.下为示例图: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time: 2019-07-01 17:23:01 # @Author: xiangsikai #----------------------------------------- # Start margin size: 100x100 # The startup script: python3 monitoring.…
what's the Docker Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,基于 Go 语言 并遵从Apache2.0协议开源. Docker 可以让开发者打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个轻量级.可移植的容器中,然后发布到任何流行的 Linux 机器上,也可以实现虚拟化. 容器是完全使用沙箱机制,相互之间不会有任何接口(类似 iPhone 的 app),更重要的是容器性能开销极低. Docker的应用场景 Web 应用的自动化打包和发布. 自动化测试和持续集成.发布. 在服务型环境中部署和调整数据…
1.Environment11.2.0.4 RAC 2.Symptomsrac的一节点alert日志一直刷ORA-4031报错,提示shared pool不足,二节点并没有此报错 Sat Oct 09 09:53:30 2021Errors in file /data1/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl1/trace/orcl1_smon_7537104.trc:ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1OR…
本文分为两部分:"带参数的函数"和 "带修饰的函数". 浏览这篇博客前请先阅读: [NX二次开发]NX内部函数,查找内部函数的方法 带参数的函数: bool AMX__action_list_has_visible_items(struct AMX__action_list_s *)struct AMX__action_s * AMX__ask_action_by_accelerator(int,char const *)struct AMX__action_ite…