xtu summer individual 5 E - Burning Bridges】的更多相关文章

Burning Bridges Time Limit: 5000ms Memory Limit: 32768KB This problem will be judged on ZJU. Original ID: 258864-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main   Ferry Kingdom is a nice little country located on N islands that are connected b…
Burning Bridges Time Limit: 5 Seconds Memory Limit: 32768 KB Ferry Kingdom is a nice little country located on N islands that are connected by M bridges. All bridges are very beautiful and are loved by everyone in the kingdom. Of course, the system o…
Burning Bridges Time Limit: 5 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KB Ferry Kingdom is a nice little country located on N islands that are connected by M bridges. All bridges are very beautiful and are loved by everyone in the kingdom. Of course, the sys…
Burning Bridges Time Limit: 5 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KB Ferry Kingdom is a nice little country located on N islands that are connected by M bridges. All bridges are very beautiful and are loved by everyone in the kingdom. Of course, the sys…
题目地址:http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=2588 Burning Bridges Time Limit: 5 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KB Ferry Kingdom is a nice little country located on N islands that are connected by M bridges. All bridges are very…
Burning Bridges 给出含有n个顶点和m条边的连通无向图,求出所有割边的序号. 1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <cstring> 3 #define clr(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a)) 4 #define N 10005 5 #define M 100005 6 #define MIN(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(b):(a)) 7 typedef struct NodeStr //边结点 8 { 9 int…
题目要输出一个无向图的所有割边.用Tarjan算法: 一遍DFS,构造出一颗深度优先生成树,在原无向图中边分成了两种:树边(生成树上的边)和反祖边(非生成树上的边). 顺便求出每个结点的DFS序dfn[u] 和 每个结点能沿着它和它的儿子的返祖边达到的结点最小的DFS序low[u]. 一条边(u,v)是割边当且仅当—— low[v]>dfn[u] 注意具体实现时,无向图的边在邻接表中有正反两条边,那么如果一条边是树边了,另一条边不应该是反祖边,要忽略. #include<cstdio>…
题目链接 题意 : N个点M条边,允许有重边,让你求出割边的数目以及每条割边的编号(编号是输入顺序从1到M). 思路 :tarjan求割边,对于除重边以为中生成树的边(u,v),若满足dfn[u] < low[v],则边(u,v)是割边. #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct no…
模板题——求割点与桥 题意,要使一个无向图不连通,输出必定要删掉的边的数量及其编号.求桥的裸题,可拿来练手. 套模板的时候注意本题两节点之间可能有多条边,而模板是不判重边的,所以直接套模板的话,会将重边也当做桥输出,因此要在判断桥的时候加一个判断,即当且仅当两点之间仅有一条边,且满足dfn[cur] < low[i],(cur, i)才是桥. 另外本题节点数为105,用邻接矩阵的话会内存超限,所以我用了了一个multiset存储边及其编号. 代码如下: #include<cstdio>…