raw(default) the raw format is a plain binary image of the disc image, and is very portable. On filesystems that support sparse files, images in this format only use the space actually used by the data recorded in them.老牌的格式了,用一个字来说就是裸,也就是赤裸裸,你随便dd一个…
虚拟机硬盘格式的选择:qcow2. raw等曾经有过一段时间,徘徊于对虚拟机硬盘格式的迷惑中,2009年,终于得出了一些结论(下面的思路基本通用于其他虚拟机) 搜了下,发现大部分用qemu或者kvm的,都默认使用qcow2来作为虚拟硬盘,但qemu官方默认是用raw.下面是qemu wiki对两种格式的描述:rawRaw disk image format (default). This format has the advantage of being simple and easily ex…