Makefiles】的更多相关文章 Makefiles Makefiles (or, the GNU automake system), is a programming language all its own, and you can do some pretty spectacular things with them (it). This is a basic introduction to wh…
A tutorial by example Compiling your source code files can be tedious, specially when you want to include several source files and have to type the compiling command everytime you want to do it. Well, I have news for you… Your days of command line co…
来自Linux kernel docs,顺便整理了一下排版 Linux Kernel Makefiles This document describes the Linux kernel Makefiles. 文章目录 Linux Kernel Makefiles 1 Overview 2 Who does what 3 The kbuild files 3.1 Goal definitions 3.2 Built-in object goals - obj-y 3.3 Loadable mod…
以下内容是VisualGDB官网对VisualGDB编译时获取相关编译信息的说明: When you create a new project using VisualGDB, it will generate a Makefile for you. More specifically, it will generate 2 files: Makefile and flags.mak. Overview When you add new files to the project, VisualG…
libpng library Makefile LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LS_C=$(subst $(1)/,,$(wildcard $(1)/*.c)) LOCAL_MODULE := png LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ $(filter-out example.c pngtest.c,$(call LS_C,$(LOCAL_PATH))) LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(LOC…
汇编通用makefile: 命令行编辑: 编译 arm-linux-as -march=armv5te -o led.o led.s -march 指定的指令集的版本 指定架构 连接 arm-linux-ld -nostartfiles -nostdlib -Ttext=0x20008000 -o led led.o 转换led成二进制文件 arm-linux-objcopy -O binary led led.bin PROG=led OBJS=led.o AS=arm-linux-as LD……
说说Makefile那些事儿 |扬说|透过现象看本质 工作至今,一直对Makefile半知半解.突然某天幡然醒悟,觉得此举极为不妥,只得洗心革面从头学来,以前许多不明觉厉之处顿时茅塞顿开,想想好记性不如烂笔头,便来说说Makefile那些事儿. Makefile到底是个啥玩意儿 Makefile就是一文本文件. ----------------------------------------------- $ file Makefile Makefile: ASCII make commands…
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