February 26 2017 Week 9 Sunday】的更多相关文章

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. 生命中只有一种幸福,爱与被爱. Some one told me that hearing her love say good night to her is the simplest and the most lasting happiness she has. She feels she lives a haapy life, though there are some tr…
We accept the love we think we deserve. 我们接受自己认为配得上的爱. A few months ago, I tried to date with a girl whose appearence is very attractive for me. But she was reluctant to agree with my invitation, and finally she refused my love. It was a very horribl…
There is no place like home. 任何地方都不能与家相提并论. After tens of years roving outside the hometown, I suddenly find that besides the cause, there's still one thing I desperately hope for, that is to stay with my family, my parents, the family of my sister,…
Prosperity discovers vice, adversity virtue. 得意时露瑕疵,逆境中见品质. Adversity will discover your virtue, not produce your virtue. It is through your own exercise and your self-discipline that can produce your virtue. Another time I failed, can I win the next…
Deliver not your words by number but by weight. 言不在多,而在有物. Do more than talk, say something. I still remember when I was a child in the primary school, our teacher told us the basic technique of writing is to write something concrete, only in that wa…
Tomcat启动错误:九月 26, 2017 10:18:14 上午 com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.RootResourceUriRules <init> 严重: The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes. 我在我的web工程下的WEB-INF目录 web.xml中找到了这个不存在的或者说是缺省的jar包,在我删除了这个 <servlet&g…
A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 平静的海洋练不出熟练的水手. A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner, but a violent sea may kill a greenhand. When we are engaged in a relatively new vacation, the best way may be to follow the principle from easy to…
LIfe is about making an impact, not making an income. 生命在于影响他人,而非赚钱糊口. From Kevin Kruse. You probably argue that one must make an income first, then if he has some extra power while earning a not bad life, he can try to pursue some impacts on the wor…
Don't cry for what is lost. Smile for what still remains. 别为失去的哭泣,为还留在你身边的一切微笑吧. I have been told that if crying for missing the sun, we may miss the chance to see the beautiful stars as well. Life would never give us the second time to get something…
Grasp all, lose all. 欲尽得,必尽失. Not to be greedy and not to try to get everything. Our time, energy and wisdom are all limited, if we want too much, we probably get nothing eventually, so why not hold our own in our real inclination, and place single-m…