本文转自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6319274/how-do-i-run-msbuild-from-the-command-line-using-windows-sdk-7-1 Q: I'm setting up .NET 4.0 support on our CI server. I've installed .NET 4.0, and the .NET tools from the Windows 7.1 SDK. On .NET 2.0 an…
Running Nutch in Eclipse Here are instructions for setting up a development environment for Nutch under the Eclipse IDE. It is intended to provide a comprehensive beginning resource for the configuration, building, crawling and debugging of Nutch tru…
Question: SQL SERVER  alwayson在向AG中添加DB最后一步在副本中将此DB添加入AG时报错: Availability-group DDL operations are permitted only when you are using the master database.  Run the USE MASTER command, and retry your availability-group DDL command. (Microsoft SQL Serve…
From: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/always-run-a-program-in-administrator-mode-in-windows-10/ If you're sick of seeing those UAC pop-ups, you can get rid of them by setting programs to run in administrator mode by default. Some of our Windows 10 tips i…
问题描述 vue-electron 使用sqlite3数据库,执行npm run build 报错如下: .NET Framework 2.0 SDK,Microsoft Visual Studio 2005[C:\temp\wechat\node_modules\sqlite3\build\binding.sln]Failed to execute 'C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\nod…
In the past, you've needed to either write a package.json script or use the node_modules/.bin directory to access binaries installed in your node_modules. npx enables you to access the binaries much more easily and try out options before you settle o…
Say we have installed qt programs and we want to run qtcreator from the command line. What we need here is only to put a soft link to the qtcreator we have just installed. Here are some simple precedures. Once the Qt program is installed, open up a t…
Preface Environment Cygwin Run in the Windows(Simulation of UNIX) Resource Cygwin Install:http://cygwin.com/install.html Cygwin API:http://cygwin.com/cygwin-api/ Lab 1 Program Layout Content Ex. 2.3 P.25 Exercise 2.3 Use ls -l to compare the sizes of…
Threejs 官网 - 怎样执行本地的东西(How to run things locally) 太阳火神的漂亮人生 (http://blog.csdn.net/opengl_es) 本文遵循"署名-非商业用途-保持一致"创作公用协议 转载请保留此句:太阳火神的漂亮人生 -  本博客专注于 敏捷开发及移动和物联设备研究:iOS.Android.Html5.Arduino.pcDuino,否则.出自本博客的文章拒绝转载或再转载,谢谢合作. 怎样执行本地的东西(How to run th…
本文转自:https://weblog.west-wind.com/posts/2016/Jun/06/Publishing-and-Running-ASPNET-Core-Applications-with-IIS#DoyouneedIIS? When you build ASP.NET Core applications and you plan on running your applications on IIS you'll find that the way that Core ap…
Creating a new .NET Standard Project The first step for moving this library is to create a new .NET Standard Class Library: This creates a new SDK style project using a csproj file. This is the new, more streamlined, MSBUILD based project format that…
Mem pro 是一个主要集成内存泄露检测的工具,其具有自身的源码和GUI,在GUI中利用"Launch" button进行加载自己待检测的application,目前支持的平台为Windows,Unix, Linux, OSX, IOS, GCC:但是按照官网的说法,其虽然只能运行到WIN上,但是根据TCP协议传输dump的方式也可以和其他平台的app进行连接: 关于内存泄露,按照官方文档中的说法,其检测内存泄露的算法主要是两种,一种是在抓取dump时候未被引用的变量会被认定为泄露,…
Installing and Configuring DB2 Clients Running CLI/ODBC Programs The DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI) run-time environment and the ODBC driver are included with the DB2 Client Application Enabler. This is contained on the DB2 Client Application Enabler…
OwinHost.exe: While some will want to write a custom process to run Katana Web applications, many would prefer to simply launch a pre-built executable that can start a server and run their application. For this scenario, the Katana component suite in…
问题详情:K Commands(OwinHost.exe)是不是 OWIN 中的 Host 角色?如果是,那 Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting 对应的是 OWIN 中的哪个角色? OWIN 中,除了 Host 和 Server 的概念容易混淆,K Commands(OwinHost.exe)与 Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting 也是很容易混淆的一点,先看一下它们的概念: OwinHost.exe: While some will want to write a c…
Prerequisites The only prerequisite is having a Ubuntu 14.04 Droplet established and running. You will need root access to complete this guide. Optional: After completion of this tutorial, It would be a good idea to create a standard user account wit…
PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet CREATE DATABASE CREATE DATABASE dbName; CREATE TABLE (with auto numbering integer id) CREATE TABLE tableName ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(50) UNIQUE NOT NULL, dateCreated timestamp DEFAULT current_timestamp ); Add a pr…
Testing Introduction Application Testing Interacting With Your Application Testing JSON APIs Sessions / Authentication Disabling Middleware Custom HTTP Requests PHPUnit Assertions Working With Databases Resetting The Database After Each Test Model Fa…
1.ionic简介 ionic 是用于敏捷开发APP的解决方案.核心思路是:利用成熟的前端开发技术,来写UI和业务逻辑.也就是说,就是一个H5网站,这个区别于react-native,native.即是:“写一次,到处运行”. 从去年到现在,也是红得发紫,很多APP相继喷薄而出,至今也见过学多做得非常好的APP,当然,是指在iOS的机器上体验到的.android不敢恭维. 简介参见官网: http://cordova.apache.org/http://ionicframework.com/ i…
A typical install of OS X won't create a .bash_profile for you. When you want to run functions from your command line, this is a must-have. Start up Terminal Type "cd ~/" to go to your home folder Type "touch .bash_profile" to create y…
Install Docker on Mac OS X You can install Docker using Boot2Docker to run docker commands at your command-line. Choose this installation if you are familiar with the command-line or plan to contribute to the Docker project on GitHub. Alternatively,…
To reset user defaults Run this in the command line (or git bash on windows): echo "" > $(npm config get userconfig) npm config edit To reset global defualts echo "" > $(npm config get globalconfig) npm config --global edit If yo…
小川工作室编写,本书为LM3S的USB芯片编写,上传的均为草稿,还有没修改,可能还有很多地方不足,希望各位网友原谅! QQ:2609828265 TEL:15882446438 E-mail:paulhyde@126.com 第七章Bulk设备 7.1 bulk设备介绍 USB通道的数据传输格式有两种,而且这两种格式还是互斥的.有消息和流两种对于流状态,不具有usb数据的格式,遵循的规则就是先进先出.对于消息通道,它的通信模式符合usb的数据格式,一般有三个阶段组成首先是建立阶段,数据阶段,确认…
http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/148078-Reducing-script-compile-time-or-a-better-workflow-to-reduce-excessive-recompiling SOLUTIONS: Each of these solutions reduce compile time. Use one or all of them together to get the biggest speed increase. #1 -…
Unity3D 命令行参数 @by 广州小龙                                              unity ios开发群:63438968 Typically, Unity will be launched by double-clicking its icon from the desktop but it is also possible to run it from the command line (ie, the MacOS Terminal o…
Automake是用来根据Makefile.am生成Makefile.in的工具 标准Makefile目标 'make all' Build programs, libraries, documentation, etc. (same as 'make'). 'make install' Install what needs to be installed, copying the files from the package's tree to system-wide directories.…
Java SE 6 provides an in-depth focus on performance, offering expanded tools for managing and monitoring applications and for diagnosing common problems. The improvements include: Monitoring and management API enhancements Official support for an imp…
While developing your application, you should check that user interactions are buttery smooth, running at a consistent 60 frames per second. If something goes wrong, and a frame gets dropped, the first step in fixing the problem is understanding what…
几种OSGi框架 Several independently implemented OSGi frameworks exist today, including four that are available as open source software. Equinox  is the most widely deployed OSGi framework today owing to its use in the core runtime of Eclipse. It can also…
一般新手用git时,使用HTTPS都需要输入用户名和密码,这是一个很低效的开发过程.(虽然有时可以让开发人员减少push的次数).github提供了几种连接方式,其中以https:开头的代表https连接,以git开头代表ssh连接.所以用ssh连接时要确保 你客户端的版本库url设置的ssh的url,而不是https的url.如何查看客户端的连接设置,使用下面的命令: $ git config --list 显示中有一个 remote.origin.url=xxxxxx 如果url不是git开…