7kyu kata】的更多相关文章

https://www.codewars.com/kata/isograms/train/java CW 大神 solution: public class isogram { public static boolean isIsogram(String str) { return str.length() == str.toLowerCase().chars().distinct().count(); } }…
Johnny is a boy who likes to open and close lockers. He loves it so much that one day, when school was out, he snuck in just to play with the lockers. Each locker can either be open or closed. If a locker is closed when Johnny gets to it, he opens it…
Coding Kata简介 如何进行Kata练习 亲身感受 Coding Kata简介 前段时间听到一个比较有意思的概念叫做Coding Kata,今天试了一下来说说一些想法和思考.Kata是一个日语,意思大体上是日本武术的套路,没有找到比较好的中文翻译来解释Coding Kata这个词. Coding Kata是一种练习编程能力的一种方法,它要求程序员在拿到一个简单的联系以后进行重复的编码.比如说,第一次快速的按照需求写出来了能工工作的程序,然后抛弃可以工作的第一个版本,重头开始第二轮的编码,…
超级偶数(SuperEven)是指每一位都是偶数的正整数,例如: 0,2,4,6,8,20,22,24,26,28,40,...,88,200,202,... 要求写一个函数,输入项数n,返回数列第n项的值. 说实话,这个题目整整花了我三天时间去思考(数学比较弱,大神见笑)#手动捂脸#. 其实到最后我还是没有完成这个Kata,因为作者要求用少于30个字符的代码解决,我的解决方案再怎么压缩也100个字符左右了.万念俱灰的我还是决定看别人的答案,发现一共有4个人解出来了,答案都一致,非常精妙.但是吹…
In this week, we did a coding kata, the subject is to select the top two teams of football group match results. The requirements are listed below. The number of team is not limited. The score will be +3 when it wins, the score will be 0 if lose, othe…
https://www.codewars.com/kata/57e3f79c9cb119374600046b function hello(name) { if(name == "" || name == null || name == undefined){ return "Hello, World!" }else{ return "Hello, "+name.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+name.substrin…
之前一直不懂,今天百度了下,发下kyu是级别的意思,dan是段的意思,级别数值越小越强,段数数值越大越强. 原题  https://www.codewars.com/kata/josephus-permutation/train/java 另一道题:https://www.codewars.com/kata/josephus-survivor 未解 第一道5kyu题,做得有点艰难 今天又点了一道5kyu的题,测试通过了,但是解题只是求出了多个数值(传入list)的最小公倍数,而不是传入的表示形式…
原文:https://github.com/kata-containers/documentation/blob/master/architecture.md (欢迎纠错) Kata-runtime 1. kata-runtime 兼容OCI spec,因此无缝衔接 Docker Engine pluggable runtime 架构. 2. kata-runtime 也通过 CRI-O 和 Containerd CRI Plugin实现 支持 Kubernetes CRI (Container…
docker容器,性能高,不安全:VM虚拟机,安全性好,性能损耗大:Kata Container轻量级虚拟机的容器,即安全,性能也高. 开源容器项目Kata Containers,旨在将虚拟机(VM)的安全优势与容器的速度和可管理性统一起来. Kata Container 是两个现有的开源项目合并:Intel Clear Containers和Hyper runV. Intel Clear Container项目的目标是通过英特尔®虚拟化技术(VT)解决容器内部的安全问题,并且能够将容器作为轻量…
题目: When you sign up for an account somewhere, some websites do not actually store your password in their databases. Instead, they will transform your password into something else using a cryptographic hashing algorithm. After the password is transfo…