OpenStack official programs】的更多相关文章

What are programs ? The OpenStack project mission is to produce the ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private clouds regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. OpenSta…
Why do we need it, whatever it is? VM unicast, multicast and broadcast traffic flow is detailed in my previous post: Tunnels in Openstack Neutron TL;DR: Agent OVS flow tables implement learning. That is, any unknown unicast destination (IE: MAC addre…
Puppet Openstack Design Summit小结 经过Puppet Openstack社区的不断努力,Puppet Openstack社区目前提供的Official Modules已经成熟,直接被用于Mirantis Fuel,Redhat PackStack等主流的部署工具中. 因此从Juno版本开始,社区的重心逐渐地转移到如何提供更全面的测试,如何抽取公共库以及规范架构等等代码的优化工作上. 本次Puppet Openstack Work Session放在古色古香的Aoi会…
Neutron 里面的 extension 和 plugin 是非常相似的两个概念,我花了好久才貌似搞懂了两者的区别,还不一定完全正确. 在OpenStack 的官网wiki中,可以找到它们两个的定义: Plugin: Neutron exposes a logical API to define network connectivity between devices from other OpenStack services (e.g., vNICs from Nova VMs). The…
声明:绝对原创,欢迎转载,但请标明出处,谢谢! 最近在做openstack与Docker的集成工作,走了不少弯路,遇到不少问题,不过最终搭建成功了.现在将过程分享出来,以供参考. 一.环境介绍 1.软件环境: CentOs7 64位.OpenStack(Juno).Docker version 1.5.0 $vim /etc/hosts compute1 controller 3.安装前提: 3.1 控制节点安装 身份认…
云平台中镜像还是很重要的,提供各种定制化的镜像使得用户体验更好. 最开始玩OpenStack的时候用的是安装文档中提到的cirros,其密码cubswin:) 刚开始感觉很怪,现在已经可以随手打出.ps:打的还很熟练:-) 然后慢慢开始想尝试各种镜像,于是乎在网上搜了很多.如下: 官方文档官方文档给的镜像的链接挺多的,包括CirrOS (test) im…
Set up your Open Stack There are several ways to deploy openstack, Devstack is easily for developer to deploy Open Stack. Please follow this URL to set up your Open Stack. nested KVM support: Kernel First…
Open Daylight integration with OpenStack: a tutorial How to deploy OpenDaylight and integrate it with OpenStack to address use cases specific to networking infrastructure.   The adoption of open source technologies is on the rise, which is evident fr…
近期在部署OpenStack时涉及到各个服务之间的诸多概念,这里简要记录其中的一些作为备忘. 服务(service) 在OpenStack中,一个服务有若干端点,用户通过端点访问服务并使用服务提供的功能: 计算服务(Compute Service)—— Nova 网络服务(Networking Service)——Neutron 身份服务(Identity Service)——Keystone 镜像服务(Image Service)——Glance 界面服务(Dashboard)——Horizo… I’ve been writing a lot of golang lately. I’ve hit painful problems in the past. Here are some debugging tips. Hopefully they help you out. I bet you don’t know #2. #0 Use log.Printf:…