View Controller Relationships】的更多相关文章

Parent-child relationshipsParent-child relationships are formed when using view controller containers. Examples of viewcontroller containers are UINavigationController, UITabBarController, and UISplitViewController. You can identify a view controller…
View Controller Basics   视图控制器基础 Apps running on iOS–based devices have a limited amount of screen space for displaying content and therefore must be creative in how they present information to the user. Apps that have lots of information to display…
Creating Custom Content View Controllers 创建自定义内容视图控制器 Custom content view controllers are the heart of your app. You use them to present your app’s unique content. All apps need at least one custom content view controller. Complex apps divide the wor…
Using View Controllers in Your App Whether you are working with view controllers provided by iOS, or with custom controllers you’ve created to show your app’s content, you use a similar set of techniques to actually work with the view controllers. 不管…
View Controller Basics Apps running on iOS–based devices have a limited amount of screen space for displaying content and therefore must be creative in how they present information to the user. Apps that have lots of information to display must there…
About View Controllers View controllers are a vital link between an app’s data and its visual appearance. Whenever an iOS app displays a user interface, the displayed content is managed by a view controller or a group of view controllers coordinating…
这个问题是什么意思呢,之前遇到过几次,但程序再次打开时没有问题,也就没有重视,今天又遇到了,无法忍受啊. 控制台报的错误是:"不支持多次推入相同的视图控制器实例". 什么原因造成的呢? 提示了LoginViewController  .在进入这个页面的时候,有多次重复push操作.具体什么原因,在一个控制器里有多次执行push进同一个控制器的操作. 昨天没有时间深究具体在哪发生了这个操作,今天来理理. a)首先,在程序里加上一个全局的异常断点(我这样叫它) 加上一个 b)然后就是运行程…
原因分析:在StoryBoard中没有一个view controller设置了Initial Scene. 解决方案:在Storyboard中,选择一个view conroller作为story board的第一启动界面…
前言 古老的MVC架构是容易被iOS开发者理解和接受的设计模式,但是由于iOS开发的项目功能越来越负责庞大,项目代码也随之不断壮大,MVC的模糊定义导致我们的业务开发工程师很容易把大量的代码写到视图控制器中,行业中对这种控制器有个专业词汇Massive ViewControler(臃肿的视图控制器).代码臃肿导致可读性可维护性差,而且这种不清晰的设计还有许多的副作用,比如代码重用性差.作为架构师需要关注项目的代码质量.指导业务开发工程师写出高质量,高健壮性,高可用的代码也是很重要的工作.因此需要…
On the iPhone or iPod touch, a modal view controller takes over the entire screen. This is the defaultbehavior and the only possibility on these devices. On the iPad, you have two additional options: aform sheet style and a page sheet style. You can…