
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper: 7th Edition(科技论文写作与发表教程)(11.04更新) 重要通知: 最近开题报告已差不多告一段落,准备发力写论文了.我会根据自己写论文的实践,从找期刊到发表的过程记录下来.记录的过程从第6章开始,我会用不同颜色的自己标注出来,其顺序大体和<科技论文写作与发表教程>的目录相似.欢迎大家讨论拍砖. 目 录 第一部分 一些基本常识 第1章 什么是科研写作第2章 历史回顾第3章 走进科技写作第4章 何…
          The 7th tip of DB Query Analyzer MA Gen feng ( Guangdong Unitoll Services incorporated, Guangzhou 510300) Abstract   Because in different RDBMS, filed value of date type has different precision, DB Query Analyzer will return the different d…
The land didn't move, but moved; the sea was not still, yet was still. 大地止而亦行,大海动而亦静. Remember that a wide heart can embrace all. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. 记住,你相信什么,就能成就什么. I believe that I can see my experience is maturing and I c…
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实却是甜蜜的. However, many may give up before they can taste the fruit of patience. So many books, so little time. 要读的书太多,只恨时间不够用. So much work to do, but it seems I am always wasting my time. People…
Knowing yourself is the height of wisdom. 了解自己就是大智慧. Two-day holiday, even I didn't have enought time to know about her, I could feel I am not the type she loves. I ever thought I might be not so bad a man. Maybe I was wrong. So, I choose to give up.…
The 79th Anniversary of Anti-Japan War Difficulties vanish when faced bodly. 勇敢面对困难,困难自会退让. The best way to memorize the past humilation is not to pass on hostility, but to surpass the rivals in every aspects by our efforts. As about difficult times,…
http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=3328 至今未看懂题意,未编译直接提交,然后 A了.莫名AC总感觉怪怪的. 详情参考:http://www.acmsearch.com/article/show/2918 玄学参考: #include<stdio.h> int main() { int t; while(scanf("%d",&t),t) printf(); ; } 以上.…
http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=3323 题意:去掉字符串里面的数字然后按输入顺序输出 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int t; cin>>t; while(t--){ string aa; cin>>aa; ;i<aa.length();i++){ ') printf("%c&q…
一.当天站立式会议 二.每个人的工作 (1)昨天已完成的工作(具体在表格中) 完善支付功能 (2)今天计划完成的工作(具体如下) 测试与正式发布 (3) 工作中遇到的困难(在表格中) 成员 昨天已完成的工作 今天计划完成的工作 工作中遇到的困难 叶华琴(201421123036) 完善支付功能 对挑礼物小程序进行最后的总体测试 今天要回家,时间比较紧迫,任务完成得比较急所以质量也比较不好 方巧玲(201421123038) 和队友一起对支付功能进行改进完善 对软件进行最后的测试与发布 支付功能的…
一.Daily Scrum Meeting照片 二.燃尽图 三.项目进展 在计时模式下能够记录用户的用户名和成绩,没有弄登录功能, 将程序定义为单机的 未完成的卡片为登录功能和使用QQ登录. 四.困难与问题 进度方面会比预期来的慢一点,当初是想要完成登录功能的, 后面时间和能力方面不足,不知道如何去弄这个登录功能. 五.心得体会 1.团队工作注重的是合作,合理的利用资源往往能够达到事半功倍的效果: 2.项目开始前应该对项目进行合理的规划,不至于在后期手忙脚乱.…
DOM:Document Object Model(文档对象模型) Document Object Model的历史可以追溯至1990年代后期微软与Netscape的“浏览器大战”,双方为了在JavaScript与JScript一决生死,于是大规模的赋予浏览器强大的功能.微软在网页技术上加入了不少专属事物,既有VBScript.ActiveX.以及微软自家的DHTML格式等,使不少网页使用非微软平台及浏览器无法正常显示.DOM即是当时蕴酿出来的杰作. DOM的设计是以对象管理组织(OMG)的规约…
The happiest part of a man's life is what he passes lying awake in bed in the morning. 人生一大乐事莫过去早上醒来可以赖赖床. From Samuel Johnson. Of course it is one of the happiest things, especially when you don't have to worry about your life. But if there are too…
Full of luck, health and cheer. We wish you a Happy Chinese New Year! 春节快乐,万事如意! From Shanbay. Today is the Chinese New Year of 2018. Wish every of us a Happy New Year. We will open a new book today, we will forget all our worries today. A new year a…
Every orientation presupposes a disorientation. 迷失过方向,才能找到方向. Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. By Henry David Thoreau. Sometimes it seems everything about my future was ambiguously assumed. Graduated from college with ugly a…
Love does not dominate, it culitvates. 爱不是羁绊,而是成就. Love should not wipe out everything you are, love should not overpower you in a negative way and make you feel uncomfortable. Instead, it should bring out something good to you. Love requires action,…
You are your greatest asset. 你就是你自己最大的资本. For most of us, there are few things that we can count on but ourselves. If we lose confidence in our own life, in our own abilities, we may never win trusts from others. That means the intrinsic motivation m…
One man's fault is another man's lesson. 前车之覆,后车之鉴. We make mistakes every day, large or small, failures or faux pas. But failure and mistakes still don't feel like an awesome learing opportunity. I know it is my shortcomings that make me unique and…
Grasp all, lose all. 欲尽得,必尽失. Not to be greedy and not to try to get everything. Our time, energy and wisdom are all limited, if we want too much, we probably get nothing eventually, so why not hold our own in our real inclination, and place single-m…
1.列表生成式,迭代器&生成器 要求把列表[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]里面的每个值都加1,如何实现? 匿名函数实现: a = map(lambda x:x+1, a) for i in a: print(i) 列表生成式实现: a = [i+1 for i in range(10)] 生成器 通过列表生成式,可以直接创建一个列表.但是,受到内存限制,列表容量肯定是有限的.而且,创建一个包含100万个元素的列表,不仅占用很大的存储空间,如果我们仅仅需要访问前面几个元素,那后面绝大多数…
We are all resigned to death: it is life we aren't resigned to. 我们可以屈从于死神,但我们却不能让生活任意摆布. Of all the wonderful gifts that we have been given, one of the greatest is freedom. As much as we may deny it, we are free in our life. That is, we are free in w…
A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. 朋友是懂你并爱你的人. Friendship means inclusion, love, and mutual-improvement. Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. 永远不要放弃,此时此地即将峰回路转. Never give up, even if it…
目前本人只进行到了第五章的章末补充练习,应该是从4月6号开始学习的,又是英文版,而且基本就下班回家抽2个小时左右去学,所以进度较慢. 由于本质是数学,除了一些程序处理和大计算量的问题,基本上一本草稿本和一支笔即可.其实这次已经是三周目了, 第一次是大二,只是粗略目扫一遍,很多都是不理解就跳过,假装自己已经懂了:第二遍是毕业之后第一年,大概稍比第一次多懂了一些之前遗留跳过的概念,推论,和问题,但也只能说是基本上只吃透了差不多60%而已.时隔两年,又重拾基本核心,希望可以再次温故知新吧. 先说下全书…
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 链条的坚固程度取决于它最薄弱的环节. The same as the well-known buckets effects, that is, the capacity of a bucket depends on its shortest board. That theory may apply well to the achievements of a team, especailly when th…


2017-2018-2 20179212<网络攻防技术>第7周作业 课本学习 Windows操作系统基本框架 1.windows基本结构分为运行于处理器特权模式的操作系统内核以及运行在处理器非特权模式的用户,即为内核态和用户态.2.内核态:windows执行体.windows内核体.设备驱动程序.硬件抽象层.windows窗口与图形界面接口.3.用户态:系统支持进程.环境子系统服务进程.服务进程.用户应用软件.核心子系统DLL.4.核心机制:进程和线程管理机制.内存管理机制.文件管理机制.注册…
We laughed and kept syaing "see you soon", but inside we both knew we would never see each other again. 我们笑着说再见,但我们都心知肚明,再见遥遥无期. From The Legend of 1900. That is ture, just like sometimes we would say "I will do it in the future." or &…
1.J题:给你T组数据,每一组数据给你一个区间,让你求这个区间的范围,区间的起始时间和终止时间可能被包含或重复 思路:思路的话,就是直接把给定的两个区间的之间的数包括端点存到vector去重,然后直接输出个数即可,或者直接存到set里直接系统去重也可 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> using namespace std; vector…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games http://it-ebooks.info/book/3544/Learning Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
测试背景   因为ES(ElasticSearch)前段时间查询效率有点慢,技术小组对索引做了一些改动,因此需要测试一下修改后的查询效率,跟之前的结果做一下对比,所以有了这次测试.   需求简述   本文主要是分享一下我做测试的一些过程和思考,这里的需求不理解不影响阅读下文. 只测试通过车辆查询的一种场景,不考虑二次识别. 亿左右).测试的时段选择(一周.半月.一月.三月.半年.一年及全部数据) 测试的卡口选择全部. 条数据中随机抽取,另外,90%的查询为有号牌查询,10%的查询为无号牌查询.…
小颖最近心情不好,心情不好就容易做傻事,所以昨天就干了件傻事 小颖昨天脑子一抽去拔罐了,拔完我就~~~~~~~~~~~~疼死宝宝了,昨晚一晚都没睡好,都不敢平躺,难受一晚上,早上到公司后困得啊,也是傻得没谁了. 好啦言归正传,今天小颖给大家分享下,小颖理解的word-break: break-all;.word-break: keep-all; .word-wrap: break-word;和white-space:nowrap;.下面就一起来看看代码吧! 先看看页面效果图吧: html代码:…
A frog is crossing a river. The river is divided into x units and at each unit there may or may not exist a stone. The frog can jump on a stone, but it must not jump into the water. Given a list of stones' positions (in units) in sorted ascending ord…