Ah, while I am still downloading LLVM from github(very slow.. and very large in size). I come with my new ideas to write this new blog.. Because learning to configure VIM forces me to learn git.. And now I think why haven't I came across github earli…
环境centos 6.7 vim 7.3 安装vundle Vundle(Vim bundle)是一个Vim的插件管理器.它是把git操作整合进去,用户需要做的只是去GitHub上找到自己想要的插件的名字,安装.更新和卸载都可有vundle来完成了. GitHub:https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git .vim/bundle/vundle 然后在用户主目录下新建一个名…
BundleInstall,默认会出现错误 ycm_client_support.[so|pyd|dll] and ycm_core.[so|pyd|dll] not detected; you need to compile YCM before using it. Read the docs! 最简单解决方式: cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe ./install.sh --clang-completer 另外,vimConfig/plugin/youComple…
折腾了两天,终于好了 1.配置VIM (1)下载相关插件 sudo apt-get install git sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libgnome2-dev libgnomeui-dev \     libgtk2.0-dev libatk1.0-dev libbonoboui2-dev \     libcairo2-dev libx11-dev libxp…
YouCompleteMe(YCM)是一款非常好用的Vim插件,但是很多人安装的时候会出问题(尤其是涉及到C和C++的补全),我安装的时候也遇到了问题,现在解决了,给大家参考: Step1: 通过Vundle安装YCM,具体参考我的上一篇博文 Step2: cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe ./install.py --clang-completer Step3: (如果不补全C famliy语言可跳过step3) cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouComple…
YCM(YouComplateMe) 属于Vim中大神级的插件,提供了类似于巨硬爸爸的VS中的代码补全,但是其安装方式也是比较复杂,因此特意写下一篇记录,记录下我自己如何安装这一插件的过程: 检查自己的vim版本是否在7.9版本之上.是否支持Pthon很幸运我的vim版本是8.0 vim --version #查看vim版本以及是否支持Python 支持的话会在前方出现一个‘+’字符 2.  安装各类可能需要的环境   编译 YouCompleteMe 插件时需要依赖 cmake 构建 Make…
When compiling VIM on windows, using nmake may be a better choice.. Because so far my attempts to compile VIM using mingw32/mingw-w64/make+gcc failed .. It could be that I didnot set the parameters correctly, but more likely is that it's far more com…
VIM 8.0 赶在中秋前发布 The best way to install Vim on Unix is to use the sources. This requires a compiler and its support files. Compiling Vim isn't difficult at all. You can simply type "make install" when you are happy with the default features. Edi…
Compiling Vim from source is actually not that difficult. Here's what you should do: First, install all the prerequisite libraries, including Git. For a Debian-like Linux distribution like Ubuntu, that would be the following: sudo apt-get install lib…
原文: https://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/basic-vim-configuration--cms-21498 原来,vim的配置文件,.vimrc也是一种类似于shell ,javascript 的脚本语言.叫做vimScript Functions are very useful in the .vimrc file. Since the Vim’s configuration files use a full programing langu…