how to write a struct to a file directly?】的更多相关文章

Using write and read system call. Following is an example: blk.h: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> struct data{ ]; int d1; char c…
os模块 这个模块包含普遍的操作系统功能. 如果你希望你的程序能够与平台无关的话,这个模块是尤为重要的.一个例子就是使用os.sep可以取代操作系统特定的路径分割符. os.system() 执行linux命令 >> os.system('ls -l') 也可以使用subprocess模块   >>'ls -l'.split()) os.getcwd() 得到当前工作目录 os.getenv()和os.putenv() 读取和设置环境变量 os.l…
catalog . 引言 . proc文件系统 . 简单的文件系统 . sysfs 0. 引言 传统上,文件系统用于在块设备上持久存储数据,但也可以使用文件系统来组织.提供.交换并不存储在块设备上的信息,这些信息可以由内核动态生成,VFS的虚拟抽象层从架构上提供了这种功能,我们接下来着重讨论几种无持久存储的文件系统 . proc文件系统(proc filesystem) 它使得内核可以生成与系统的状态和配置有关的信息,该信息可以由用户和系统程序从普通文件读取,而无需专门的工具与内核通信(通过简单…
    //    return int64(f.offset), errors.New("offset > file.size")     //}else {     //    return int64(f.offset), nil     //} }…
Currently, I was trying to write an ASP.Net application that involved a user clicking a ASP.Net button control             C#   <asp:Button ID="btnDownload" runat="server" Text="Download File" OnClick="btnDownload_Cli…
Introduction: This post is going to introduce a new technique that has not been covered previously in other topics that are related to file upload attacks such as Unrestricted file upload and File in the hole. Update 3 (01/11/2016) Title was changed… Introduction [相对于POSIX,放宽要求] The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file system designed to run on commodity hardware. It has many similarities…
1. why browser can only open .txt file directly, pop up open or save dialog for others? 2. html cannot open local files but only send the file to server and request that file again previously. now in html5, there is a FileReader 3. When you click a l…
概述 上一篇文章<iOS开发系列--Swift语言>中对Swift的语法特点以及它和C.ObjC等其他语言的用法区别进行了介绍.当然,这只是Swift的入门基础,但是仅仅了解这些对于使用Swift进行iOS开发还是不够的.在这篇文章中将继续介绍一些Swift开发中一些不常关注但是又必备的知识点,以便对Swift有进一步的了解. 访问控制 Swift命名空间 Swift和ObjC互相调用 Swift和ObjC映射关系 Swift调用ObjC ObjC调用Swift 扩展-Swift调用C 反射…
Ubuntu and Win10 - double OS 2016-02-21 Yesterday I helped my friend install Ubuntu (14.04 LTS) on his PC where there has been a MS Win10. I used UltraISO to create a U-disk installation and installed it. However, then we could only start up Ubuntu a…