leetcode Super Pow】的更多相关文章

Your task is to calculate ab mod 1337 where a is a positive integer and b is an extremely large positive integer given in the form of an array. Example1: a = 2 b = [3] Result: 8 Example2: a = 2 b = [1,0] Result: 1024 Credits:Special thanks to @Stomac…
题目描述: superPow(int a, int[] b),b是一个int数组,每个元素都是正的个位数,组合起来表示一个正整数,例如b=[1,2,3]表示123,求解a^b mod 1337. 思路描述: 本题的难点是当a和b足够大时会造成溢出,因此应考虑其他算法来实现. 理论支持(转幂算法): (a^b) mod c = ((a mod c)^b) mod c ----公式1 (x*y) mod c = ((x mod c) * (y mod c)) mod c  :积的取余等于取余的积的取…
50. Pow(x, n) 372. Super Pow https://www.cnblogs.com/grandyang/p/5651982.html https://www.jianshu.com/p/b256bd531df0 做这个题之间先了解两个公式: 公式一:a^b mod c = (a mod c)^b mod c公式二:(ab) mod c = (a mod c)(b mod c) mod c 这道题题让我们求一个数的很大的次方对1337取余的值,即a^b mod 1337.输入…
Implement pow(x, n), which calculates x raised to the power n(xn). Example 1: Input: 2.00000, 10 Output: 1024.00000 Example 2: Input: 2.10000, 3 Output: 9.26100 Example 3: Input: 2.00000, -2 Output: 0.25000 Explanation: 2-2 = 1/22 = 1/4 = 0.25 Note:…
题目链接:https://leetcode.com/problems/super-pow/description/ Your task is to calculate ab mod 1337 where a is a positive integer and b is an extremely large positive integer given in the form of an array. Example1: a = b = [] Result: Example2: a = b = […
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 题目地址: https://leetcode.com/problems/super-pow/description/ 题目描述: Your task is to calculate a^b mod 1337 where a is a positive integer and b is an extremely large positive integer given in the fo…
使用公式 c = ab  =>  c mod d = [a mod d * b mod d] mod d 所以a^423 mod d = (a^100)^4 * (a ^10)^2 * a^3 class Solution(object): def superPow(self, a, b): """ :type a: int :type b: List[int] :rtype: int """ ans = 1 mod = 1337 for…
Write a program to find the nth super ugly number. Super ugly numbers are positive numbers whose all prime factors are in the given prime list primes of sizek. For example, [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 19, 26, 28, 32] is the sequence of the first 12 s…
You have n super washing machines on a line. Initially, each washing machine has some dresses or is empty. For each move, you could choose any m (1 ≤ m ≤ n) washing machines, and pass one dress of each washing machine to one of its adjacent washing m…
Your task is to calculate ab mod 1337 where a is a positive integer and bis an extremely large positive integer given in the form of an array. Example 1: Input: a = 2, b = [3] Output: 8 Example 2: Input: a = 2, b = [1,0] Output: 1024 你的任务是计算 ab 对 133…