DevExpress VCL 13.1.4支持Delphi /C++Builder XE5 重大变化 ExpressLibrary dxHalfOfPi常数声明已经从cxGeometry单元移到了cxGridLayoutViewCarouselMode单元的执行部分,这样做的目的是为了避免C++Builder中的编译警告. 存在的问题 目前,IDE存在以下几个问题,DevExpress VCL会在以后的版本中进行修复: C++Builder XE3 or XE4 (64-bit) - 在某些De…
DevExpress VCL 的2013 第一个公开版发布, 基本上就是一些维护,没有大的变化,也没有FM 的支持. What's New in DevExpress VCL 13.1.2   Release Notes Feature Highlights To learn about feature highlights in this version, please refer to the following page: New Features - DevExpress VCL 13.…
支持xe6 了,但是承诺的功能在哪里? What's New in 13.2.5 (VCL Product Line)   New Major Features in 13.2 What's New in VCL Products 13.2 Feature Highlights To learn about feature highlights in this version, please refer to the following page: Feature Highlights in 1…
随着DevExpress VCL 13.1.4 的发布,已基本上宣布了devexpress vcl 已经死亡了. 除了一些bug 修正,没有什么新的东西,每年的订阅费又那么贵,而且delphi 现在已经 把主要精力放到跨平台的Firemonkey, 而devexpress 现在主要的方向是.NET,明确表示不会 支持FM.这个VCL 时代最牛逼的界面控件看来已经算是快寿终正寝了.唉,无可奈何花落去, 人生何尝不也如此. What's New in DevExpress VCL 13.1.4  …
继续修修补补,大过年的,就不吐槽了. What's New in 13.2.3 (VCL Product Line)   New Major Features in 13.2 What's New in VCL Products 13.2 Known Issues To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page: Known Issues in 13.2.3 (VCL Product…
devexpress 2013 的第二个大版本出来了,一如既往, 基本上还是一个大补丁包.各位看官,自己看. What's New in 13.2.2 (VCL Product Line)   New Major Features in 13.2 What's New in VCL Products 13.2 Breaking Changes To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the followin…
不说了,自己看吧. What's New in 13.2.4 (VCL Product Line)   New Major Features in 13.2 What's New in VCL Products 13.2 Breaking Changes To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page: Breaking Changes in 13.2.4 (VCL Produ…
更多VCL组件请到: DevExpress VCL 5.7:支持XE) DevExpress VCL 2011 VOL 1.6:支持XE 2) DevExpress VCL 2011 VOL 1.8:支持X…
一键安装工具 DxAutoInstaller-2.1.3 For Devexpress VCL: 一键安装工具支持DevExpress VCL 14.1.2,14.1.3,14.2.2快速安装在D7~XE7针对DevExpress VCL V14.2.2版本强烈建议,编译前使用BUG修复补丁覆盖源文件后再编译和安装(至少修复第一个BUG)…
[DevExpress VCL Controls下载] ExpressFlowChart 允许最终用户修改形状(v19.1) 允许开发人员以XML格式定义自定义形状(v19.1) 使用30多个新形状扩展预定义集合(v19.1) 添加新的连接器箭头样式 主题支持的形状(v19.1) 该控件将附带几个预定义的主题,可以应用于代码中的形状或通过内置的Ribbon UI. 自动形状排列:Sugiyama algorithm (v19.1) 该算法用于绘制通常表示依赖关系的分层网络. 它最大限度地减少了连…