1.while循环 DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `sp_test_while`$$ CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_test_while`( IN p_number INT, #要循环的次数 IN p_startid INT #循环的其实值 ) BEGIN DECLARE v_val INT DEFAULT 0; SET v_val=p_startid; outer_label: BEGIN #设置一个标记 WHILE v_val<=p_…
循环一般在存储过程和存储函数中使用频繁,这里只给出最简单的示例 while delimiter $$ create procedure test_while() begin declare sum int default 0; declare t int default 5; while t>0 do set sum=sum+1; set t=t-1; end while; select sum; end $$ delimiter ; repeat delimiter $$ create pro…
在 MySQL-procedure(cursor,loop) 中将spam_keyword表中的文字全部分割到t表当中,且每一行的字都不重复,那t表可以用来当作一个小字典,只有1000来个字符,这次把t表当作字符来源,写一个”以 t 表为字符库生成不定长随机字符的procedure“. 1.t表使用的是InnoDB引擎,为了有个区别比较,再新建一个t2表,用MyISAM引擎并复制t的数据,共1023行记录 create table t2 like t; alter table t2 engine…
if语法 : if [ expression ] then commandselif [ expression2 ] then commandselse commandsfi case 语法: case string1 in str1) commands;; str2) commands;; *) commans;;esac 循环语句 for 语法: for var in list do comm…
C - History repeat itself Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32768KB Description Tom took the Discrete Mathematics course in the 2011,but his bad attendance angered Professor Lee who is in charge of the course. Therefore, Professor Lee decided t…
转自:http://www.wiseowl.co.uk/blog/s148/group-pane-advanced-mode.htm Repeating Page Headers in Reporting Services 2008 R2 Part two of a two-part series of blogs Getting rows of a table to repeat at the top of each page of a report in SSRS 2008 R2 is an…