CF1225A Forgetting Things】的更多相关文章

CF1225A Forgetting Things 洛谷评测传送门 题目描述 Kolya is very absent-minded. Today his math teacher asked him to solve a simple problem with the equation a + 1 = ba+1=b with positive integers aa and bb , but Kolya forgot the numbers aa and bb . He does, howev… 这篇文章非常有意思,作者是一个计算机教师,她谈论了黑客精神的传统条目,以及自己的经历和反思如何在教学中正确传递这种计算机文化,在反思中她发现那些传统条目的BUG(Levy书中一处例子触发,里面有玛格丽特这位给阿波罗写程序被当作反角的例子引起作者的重新思考),于是经过重新思考编程的视角,从计算机编程对世界的建模是Forgetting(信息丢失…
Overcoming catastrophic forgetting in neural networks(克服神经网络中的灾难性遗忘) 原文: 翻译:     摘要: 以顺序方式学习任务的能力对于人工智能的发展至关重要.直到现在,神经网络还没有能力做到这一点,人们普遍认为,灾难性遗忘是连接…
[CodeForces-1225A] Forgetting Things [构造] 标签: 题解 codeforces题解 构造 题目描述 Time limit 2000 ms Memory limit 524288 kB Source Technocup 2020 - Elimination Round 2 Tags math *900 Site 题面 Example Input1 1 2 Out…
A. Forgetting Things Kolya is very absent-minded. Today his math teacher asked him to solve a simple problem with the equation…
郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! 以下是对本文关键部分的摘抄翻译,详情请参见原文. NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Federated Learning for Data Privacy and Confidentiality, Vancouver, Canada. Abstract 我们解决了非i.i.d.情况下的联邦学习问题,在这种情况下,局部模型漂移,抑制了学习.基于与终身学习的类比,我们将灾难性遗忘的解决方案改用在联邦学习上.我们在损失函数中…
链接: 题意: Kolya is very absent-minded. Today his math teacher asked him to solve a simple problem with the equation a+1=b with positive integers a and b, but Kolya forgot the numbers a and b. He does, howev…
1.DbContext怎么在Asp.mvc中使用? public class Repository { //实例化EF容器:有弊端.一个线程里可能会创建多个DbContext //DbContext db = new DbContext(); //改造:保证一个请求线程中只有一份EF容器(你要明白:一个url请求到服务器,IIS就开一个线程去处理) protected DbContext GetDbContext { get { //向线程缓存中查询,如果返回的是null,则创建,同时存入到这个…
测试环境:     操作系统  :  Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 4)   VMWARE     数据库     :  Oracle Database 10g Release - Production     简要介绍,一台服务器A位于虚拟机VMWARE上,由于测试需要,在VMWARE上克隆了该系统作为服务器B,过了一段时间,由于数据变更,需要将服务器A上的ORACLE数据库还原恢复到服务器B上.…
摘要: 源代码参见我的github: Lab3: Paxos-based Key/Value Service Introduction 在Lab2中我们依靠单个的master view server来获取primary.如果view server不可用(崩溃了或者有网络问题),那么key/value service就不工作了,即使primary和backup都是可用的.而且它在处理server(primary或者ba…
文章地址 JNI Tips JNI is the Java Native Interface. It defines a way for managed code (written in the Java programming language) to interact with native code (written in C/C++). It's vendor-ne…
What things should a programmer implementing the technical details of a web application consider before making the site public? If Jeff Atwood can forget about HttpOnly cookies, sitemaps, and cross-site request forgeries all in the same site, what im…
001 Love your neighbor as yourself.         要爱人如己.--<旧·利>19:18      002 Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.         忿怒害死愚妄人,嫉妒杀死痴迷人.--<旧·伯>5:2 003 Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder?  …
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Python’s with statement provides a very convenient way of dealing with the situation where you have to do a setup and teardown to make something happen. A very good example for this is the situation where you want to gain a handler to a file, read da…
这个是备忘录,原网页: , 被共党的网上长城无辜的墙掉.(希望有…
[英语魔法俱乐部——读书笔记] 3 高级句型-简化从句&倒装句(Reduced Clauses.Inverted Sentences):(3.1)从属从句简化的通则.(3.2)形容词从句简化.(3.3)名词从句简化.(3.4)副词从句简化.(3.5)简化从句练习.(3.6)倒装句 3.1 从属从句简化的通则(Generally Reduction Rules of Dependent Clause) 3.1.1 简化从句:英语语法以句子为研究对象,而其句型也分为简单句.复句和合句之分,其中简单句…
A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies. Where is the party in opp…
此段文章摘自大叔的博客: 此文的目的是书写可维护的javascript代码. 最小的全局变量: JavaScript通过函数管理作用域.在函数内部声明的变量只在这个函数内部,函数外面不可用.另一方面,全局变量就是在任何函数外面声明的或是未声明直接简单使用的. 每个JavaScript环境有一个全局对象,当你在任意的函数外面使用this的时候可以访问到.你创建的每一个全部变量都成了这个全局对象的属 性.在浏览器中,方便起见,该全局对象有个附加属性叫做window,此window(通常)指向该全局对…
深入理解JavaScript系列(1):编写高质量JavaScript代码的基本要点 2011-12-28 23:00 by 汤姆大叔, 139489 阅读, 119 评论, 收藏, 编辑 才华横溢的Stoyan Stefanov,在他写的由O'Reilly初版的新书<JavaScript Patterns>(JavaScript模式)中,我想要是为我们的读者贡献其摘要,那会是件很美妙的事情.具体一点就是编写高质量JavaScript的一些要素,例如避免全局变量,使用单变量声明,在循环中预缓存…
If you're involved in web development and, for some reason, you haven't given a ride to IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 yet, this will talk you into doing it right away. Has it happened to you that you changed an HTML or an XML tag in your code and broke it becau… 这篇文章来源于中科院Zhouchen Lin 教授的report,有幸读到,和大家分享一下.技术和paper是相辅相成的,一直认为学到了技术或者在学习的过程中有任何的想法和疑问都应该以文字的形式记录下来,paper,博客,log什么的都可以,不然记忆会随着时光的飞逝擦除的,而且在当今这个技术飞速更迭的时代,记录过去的工作应该成为每周总结的必修课. 1 Why write papers?…
This is a guest blog from Robin Moffatt. Robin Moffatt is Head of R&D (Europe) at Rittman Mead, and an Oracle ACE. His particular interests are analytics, systems architecture, administration, and performance optimization. This blog is also posted on…
A quick tour of JSON libraries in Scala Update (18.11.2015): added spray-json-shapeless libraryUpdate (06.11.15): added circe library Some time ago I wrote a post on relational database access in Scala since I was looking for a library and there were…
Polymorphism The polymorphic method call allows one type to express its distinction from another, similar type, as long as they're both derived from the same base type. Upcasting revisited Taking an object reference and treating it as a reference to…
Before introducing classes, I first have to tell you something about Python's scope rules. Class definitions play some neat tricks with namespaces, and you need to know how scopes and namespaces work to fully understand what's going on. Incidentally,…
/* *  linux/mm/swap.c * *  Copyright (C) 1991, 1992  Linus Torvalds */ /* * This file should contain most things doing the swapping from/to disk. * Started 18.12.91 */ #include <linux/mm.h>#include <linux/sched.h>#include <linux/head.h>#…
Progressive Neural Network  Google DeepMind 摘要:学习去解决任务的复杂序列 --- 结合 transfer (迁移),并且避免 catastrophic forgetting (灾难性遗忘) --- 对于达到 human-level intelligence 仍然是一个关键性的难题.本文提出的 progressive networks approach 朝这个方向迈了一大步:他们对 forgetting 免疫,并且可以结合 prior knowledg…
[This post is by Elliott Hughes, a Software Engineer on the Dalvik team. — Tim Bray] If you don’t write native code that uses JNI, you can stop reading now. If you do write native code that uses JNI, you really need to read this. What’s changing, and… A Beginner’s Guide to Recurrent Networks and LSTMs Contents Feedforward Networks Recurrent Networks Backpropagation Through Time Vanishing and Exploding Gradients Long Short-Term Memory Units (LSTMs) Capturing Dive…