his one is tailor made for the Basix users among you. If you've been itching to try out Ruby and/or Rails, if the Terminal is somewhat new to you, you may find that even the process of installing it can generate countless confusing errors. This artic…
After following many outdated and incomplete instructions for setting up a web development environment on a Mac (back in March 2012), and spending a lot of time finding solutions to the problems I encountered along the way, I decided to put together…
访问http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/ 使用第三方工具安装ruby,经过了解,在mac下可以使用macports和rvm安装ruby. 经过实际操作觉得rvm方式更好一些. 现在就开始使用rvm安装ruby 1.打开终端,必须先安装git. bash -s stable < <(curl -s https://raw.github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer) , 2.等待r…
MAC 安装Ruby On Rails 对于新入门的开发者,如何安装 Ruby, Ruby Gems 和 Rails 的运行环境可能会是个问题,本页主要介绍如何用一条靠谱的路子快速安装 Ruby 开发环境. 次安装方法同样适用于产品环境! 1. 安装系统必备开发组件XCODE 打开AppStore,搜索XCODE,下载安装. 2.打开终端,安装Homebrew. ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/in…
macOS. 自带的ruby 版本目录权限比较高, 经常有很多 操作需要权限而不能执行 虽然 macOS 自带了一个 ruby 环境,但是是系统自己使用的,所以权限很小,只有 system. 而/Library 目录是 root 权限,所以很多会提示无权限. 使用自带ruby更新,管理不方便 一系列无原因的报错 permission deny 所以需要自己 安装其他版本的 ruby 删除系统ruby方法[️删除容易出现问题,尽量不要删除,不要删除,不要删除] 起源 我是因为需要用gem 安装软件…
Install Docker on Mac OS X You can install Docker using Boot2Docker to run docker commands at your command-line. Choose this installation if you are familiar with the command-line or plan to contribute to the Docker project on GitHub. Alternatively,…
May 22, 2012 - 31 Comments The command line tool wget lets you retrieve a group of files from FTP and HTTP protocols, it’s a very useful utility for web developers and powerusers to have around because it lets you do things like perform quick and dir…
rbenv rbenv可以管理多个版本的ruby.可以分为3种范围(或者说不同生效作用域)的版本: local版:本地,针对各项目范围 global版:全局,没有shell和local版时使用global版 shell版:当前终端,只针对当前所在终端 查找优先级为shell>local>global. 1.安装rbenv git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rb…
from: https://devopsu.com/guides/ansible-mac-osx.html and : https://devopsu.com/guides/ansible-post-install.html Install Ansible on Mac OSX Ansible uses Python and fortunately Python is already installed on modern versions of OSX. Quick summary: Inst…
Install Python on Mac (Anaconda) 标签(空格分隔): 运维 This blog is copy from the link: https://medium.com/@GalarnykMichael/install-python-on-mac-anaconda-ccd9f2014072 The install pycharm and anaconda tutorial is here. As I'm now transfering from PC to Mac, I…