Yesterday she came to me with a Sony Xperia Z2 D6503. Guess what? She forgot the pattern so she could not unlock her phone.You guys could take a look at her phone as below: I installed Sony Companion and connected it to my workstation. All she want w…
Valid Pattern Lock Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Pattern lock security is generally used in Android handsets instead of a password. The pattern lock can be set by joining points on a 3 × 3 matrix in a chosen order. The points of t…
题目传送门 /* 题意:手机划屏解锁,一笔连通所有数字,输出所有可能的路径: DFS:全排列 + ok () 判断函数,去除一些不可能连通的点:) */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <cmath> #include…
3861 - Valid Pattern Lock Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice ZOJ 3861 Description Pattern lock security is generally used in Android handsets instead of a password. The pattern lock can b…
Yesterday my colleague asked me for help...She has two android phones , one is hTC and the other is samsung. One day she changed the pattern lock and later she forgot...she tried all possible combination but in vain.. I check her phones and find them…
Description Pattern lock security is generally used in Android handsets instead of a password. The pattern lock can be set by joining points on a 3 × 3 matrix in a chosen order. The points of the matrix are registered in a numbered order starting wit… 这道题当时没做出来,后来经过队友提醒才做出来. 3*3的九宫格,给你其中n个点按下面要求连起来: 1. 给你的n个点都要激活(至少经过一次) 2. 如果点A,B相连后要经过另一个点C,则C在序列中的位置必须在A,B之前 如 1 7 4是不合法的 3.线段相交是没关系的,如 7 6 9 4 我是直接生成n个数的全排列,然后在所有排列里面去掉不合法的. #include…
这道题目是队友写的,貌似是用暴力枚举出来. 题意:给出一组数,要求这组数在解锁的界面可能的滑动序列. 思路:按照是否能够直接到达建图,如1可以直接到2,但是1不能直接到3,因为中间必须经过一个2. 要注意的假如2已结访问过,那么1就可以直接到2. 建图DFS,图要更新. Source Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> ], ans[], n, vis[], k, fun[][]; ][] = { {}, {,,,,,,,,,}…
题目链接 思路 先生成全排列,然后判断哪些情况不符合的,剔除就好了 代码中 init() 部分 就是 先指明 哪两个数字之间 是必须有另外一个数字的 AC代码 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <ctype.h> #include <cstdlib> #include &…
2.0.4 到 2.0.6的更改: 注意:本汉化版本可能不稳定,与此发生的一切后果与作者和汉化者无关. Version : * Bugfix: Fixed crash which occurred instantly after starting (on some devices). Version : * Bugfix: Don't save key files with bad characters. Thanks to Pascal for fixing this issue. * Fix…