Looking into the includes <Excel.au3> helped shed some light on things. To summarize what I've found for others who may be learning as I am. Direct use of Excel Functions $MySum = $oExcel.Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(2,2) Cell Values…
<div class="wz-list">里边需要有html做好的Html代码样式</div> <script> var attrnew = <%=ImgTopList(617,"sort","new",1,1,"js",10,false,false,false)%>; var htmlnew =""; for (var i = 0; i < attrn…
using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include<string> //第1种,用string自带的s.subdtr()截取任意子串,再用s.compare()确定是否与待求子串相等,时间复杂度O(len1*len2) int index1(string s,string t) { int i = 1; int len1 = s.length(); //主串长度 int len2 = t.length(); //子串长度 string…