install slax record】的更多相关文章

#!/usr/bin/bash#apt update#apt upgradeapt install build-essential cmake gdb git vim binutils-doc cpp-doc gcc-6-locales gcc-6-doc manpages-dev autoconf autoconf-doc automake automake-doc libtool libtool-doc bison bison-doc gcc-doc gdb-doc gdbserver gi…
Slax is a modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system with a modular approach and outstanding design. Despite its small size, Slax provides a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well organized graphical us…
Following content is reprinted from here, please go to the original website for more information. Author: Alex Shevchuk Introduction A typical Major Upgrade removes a previous version of an application and installs a new version.  This blog will guid…
摘要 就像人们常说的那样,Win32 结构化异常处理(SEH)是一个操作系统提供的服务.你能找到的所有关于 SEH 的文档讲的都是针对某个特定编译器的.建立在操作系统层之上的封装库.我将从 SEH 的最基本概念讲起. Matt Pietrek 著董岩 译Victor 转载自 Xfocus 并整理 在所有 Win32 操作系统提供的机制中,使用最广泛的未公开的机制恐怕就要数结构化异常处理(structured exception handling,SEH)了.一提到结构化异常处理,可能就会令人想起…
摘要 就像人们常说的那样,Win32 结构化异常处理(SEH)是一个操作系统提供的服务.你能找到的所有关于 SEH 的文档讲的都是针对某个特定编译器的.建立在操作系统层之上的封装库.我将从 SEH 的最基本概念讲起. Matt Pietrek 著董岩 译Victor 转载自 Xfocus 并整理 在所有 Win32 操作系统提供的机制中,使用最广泛的未公开的机制恐怕就要数结构化异常处理(structured exception handling,SEH)了.一提到结构化异常处理,可能就会令人想起…
Install SW Record ================= $ sudo yum install vim-X11.x86_64 $ sudo yum install clang.x86_64 $ sudo yum install tree.x86_64 $ sudo yum install epel-release.noarch # for get SW from Extra-Package-for-Enterprise-Linux $ sudo yum install python…
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1. install necessary softwares apt-get install vim git ssh 2. install input method apt-get install fcitx fcitx-pinyin fcitx-google-pinyinthen restart reboot 3. install other system softwares sublime text   - editor   unrar and p7zip - for zip or unzi…
最近需要在MAC上做一些测试,由于测试机没有安装Java,只能自己安装,由于不能通过图形化界面访问测试机,只能通过命令行的形式来安装JAVA. 1. Download the jre/jdk install package from Oracle website,use hdiutil to mount the dmg file sh-3.2# hdiutil mount  jre-7u55-macosx-x64.dmgChecksumming Protective Master Boot Re…
Can't install mysql-python version 1.2.5 in Windows   No problem. We won't show you that ad again. Why didn't you like it? Uninteresting Misleading Offensi…