Oracle查找表的外键引用关系 select t1.table_name, t2.table_name as "TABLE_NAME(R)", t1.constraint_name, t1.r_constraint_name as "CONSTRAINT_NAME(R)", a1.column_name, a2.column_name as "COLUMN_NAME(R)" from user_constraints t1, user_cons…
ERROR 1005: Can't create table (errno: 121) errno 121 means a duplicate key error. Probably the table already exists in the InnoDB internal data dictionary, though the .frm file for the table has been deleted. This is themost common reason for gettin…
本文转自: 1.创建表的同时创建主键约束(1)无命名create table student (studentid int primary key not null,studentname varchar(8),age int);(2)有命名create table students (studentid int ,studentname varchar(8),age int,constr…
今天上午刚刚弄明白了在navicat for mysql上如何设置外键,现在分享出来,希望能够对大家有帮助. 先介绍一下基本情况.现在有两个表一张是teacher表一张是dept表,现在我想把teacher表中的dept属性设置为外键,关联dept表中的code属性.具体情况如图:好了,基本情况介绍完毕,现在开始教你们navicat for mysql 怎么设置外键. 打开我的navicat,然后找到我的teacher表,选中它,然后点击菜单栏上的‘design table’. 2 在弹出的对话…