interface in iOS】的更多相关文章

lo = localhosten = ethernetap = Probably for access point (if you are acting as a wifi host) pdp_ip = maybe PDS data packet? PDS is the Phone Data Service, the data portion of GSM. Since there are four, I might postulate that PDS has the capability t…  [原文] In the previous article, we explored different techniques to customize the look and feel of UIButton, assigning to each a difficulty level based on the complexity of the Object…
前段时间,终于将 ipa 文件打包完毕,上传appStore ,最后被打回,是因为 敏感的调用设备功能没有写描述. 有两种解决方式: A.直接修改 info.plist 文件 1.设置启动图标(CFBundleIcons) <key>CFBundleIcons</key> <dict> <key>CFBundlePrimaryIcon</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIconFiles</key&…
iOS Programming Recipe 6: Creating a custom UIView using a Nib JANUARY 7, 2013 BY MIKETT 12 COMMENTS Creating a custom UIView using a Nib Assumptions You are familiar with creating UIView subclasses, and instantiating UIView’s both from a Nib file or…
安装了 Delphi Xe4 之后打开这个地址就是完整的官方的文档了. 虽然不是立刻能解决你的问题. 但也是必须要看一遍的. 最基础的都在这里了. ms-help://embarcadero.rs_xe4/rad/IOS_Tutorials'3A_Delphi_iOS_Application_Development.html iOS Topics Preparing Your Development Environment: Working with a Mac and a PC Install…
. 在创建一个新的Xcode工程后,会 在Supporting Files文件夹下自动生成一个工程名-Info.plist的文件,这个是对工程做一些运行期配置的文件(很重要,必须有该文件). 如果使用文本编辑器打开这个文件,会发现这是一个XML格式的文本文件,使用Xcode的Open As->Source Code或者Property List可以进行编辑,本文会重点介绍一些在iOS开发中常见的的Info.plist的配置项. 1.设置启动图标(CFBundleIcons) <key>C…
  Animations Animations provide fluid visual transitions between different states of your user interface. In iOS, animations are used extensively to reposition views, change their size, remove them from view hierarchies, and hide them. You might use…
I got the same error when uploading my app. Moving all icon files to the Asset Catalog works if your app supports iOS 5.0 and up. If your app still needs to support lower versions of iOS (like mine), the solution is to use the CFBundleIconFiles key i… awesome-objc-frameworks ID Framework Images 1 AFNetworking/AFNetworking 19,058 A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework 2 rs/SDWebImage 10,139 Asynchronous image downloade…
iOS 7 is a major update with compelling features for developers to incorporate into their apps. The user interface has been completely redesigned. In addition, iOS 7 introduces a new animation system for creating 2D and 2.5D games. Multitasking enhan…